week 4

  • Author SallyCooper
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
ok so Today im on day 2 of week 4
Just got home from a huge walk, took me 1 hour and 10 minutes(I have 3 blisters from my new shoes), if I can get any of these mapmywalks to work out how far it is that would be awesome...
I did my weight and measurements yesterday and im really pleased with how everythings going
ive got 10 days left to fit into a pair of jeans for the Nickleback concert, might have to go try a pair on to see how much more ive got to do to get there
Any suggestions on moving the weight from your belly/hips quickly?
My red burning face is back too........ has been for a couple of days now, im hoping it goes away again soon
Keep up the great work everyone :laughing:


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