Week 4.......

  • Author Miss T
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well this is week 4 of Duromine, here is a quick breakdown of my experience...

Week 1 - some side effects and lots of energy. no appeitite - LOST 3.7KG
Week 2 - no real side effects, lower energy level, mood swings - ZERO LOSS
Week 3 - no side effects, better mood, normal energy - LOST 1.3KG
Week 4 - no side effects, mood is good, no energy - GAINED 1KG

Not too sure what is going on but i feel like I have gained more then 1kg, feel bloated and defeated this week. My hunger is back, although i am still making healthy choices and eating healthy snacks during the course of the day, alot more then i used to before D.

I think i had convinced myself that the weightloss would be consistant throughout, however it is not. I am still very focused on my goal, might just take longer to get there then I had hoped.

Hope everyone has a great and successful week.

Miss T
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Maybe it's time to go back to the doctors and have a discussion miss T ... :) stay motivated have a great week remember your strong and fantastic :)
Hi, I am due to go to the doctor next week for my 2nd script, so I will get some advice from him. It is disappointing that the first week was such a great loss, and now its not moving. I am eating healthy and drinking loads of water. Im not sure if he will suggest going onto the 40mg. I have 16kg to loose and only have 2 months to do it in. I know your mind has alot to do with weightloss, so maybe just need to have a little chat with myself! haha. Have a lovely day and thanks for taking time to reply.
Hi Miss T - I feel your frustration. So I have now have been on it for 5 weeks weeks. Started off on 30mg and lost 3.3kg in first week, 400gm loss in second week, third week gained back the 400gm, Week 4 I went to the dr and upped dosage to 40mg as was not really feeling anything after the first week and I lost 1.4kg. Last week nothing. In total I've lost 4.7kg over 5 weeks.

Overall I know it sounds good, but I honestly don't know if its actually assisting me. I've been working my butt off the gym so thought it would be more. I feel like I'm just back to snacking at nights, and wanting sweets again etc. This is why I upped to 40mg. No idea really because so many people have to force themselves to eat while taking it. The first week I didn't have any appetite, and not I feel no effects :(
I'm currently on my 3rd weeks on 30 mgs.

First week I lost 3.2kgs
Second week I lost 300 grams, admittedly I didn't do any exercise.

Week 3 and I'm feeling pretty bloated, still drinking 2 -3 ltrs a day and eating small meals.

I'm really Unmotivated to work out :(
Hi Jo and Kayla... We all seem to be in similar states of mind at the moment. I have lost a total of 5kg and am desperate to loose the last 15kg. I do believe that your state of mind plays a big part in weightloss, we need to try and stay focused (myself included). I am pushing very hard to loose 2kg this week. That will put me at 69kg. So ladies lets set mini goals and push and motivate each other to reach them.
My goal was to lose 1.8kgs last week's so I could hit my mini goal of 5 kgs. Atleast I chipped away at it. I have 45kgs to lose all up to get me back down to what I used to be a few years ago after losing 20 kgs. I think that's what sucks the most I did it before and was so motivated to work out and now just blah.

I have just booked a cruise with my bf for Feb next year. I'd love to be at my goal weight by then or even just a hell of a lot smaller than I am now. I know i maybe never be bikini ready like I used to be thanks to stretch marks but I want to be able to be comfortable in a swimsuit.
how are things going Miss T? I had similar expectations, thinking I would lose 1-2kg a week ,and also had a week of no loss , some of us seem to have bodies that are not as consistent as others, but it does not mean we will not get to goal weight, good for you for being positive and yes it takes some of us a little longer than others to get to goal weight but that's ok, we will get there in the end, stay motivated and positive like you are , have s super day !!
Hello ladies... Kayla, i recently went on a 5 day cruise and i hate looking at the photo's of the cruise because of how i look. So I hope you get to where you want to be before the cruise. So you can look back at your photo's and feel proud of yourself.

Leigh, I have been stuck on 71kg for the last 2 nearly 3 weeks. I refuse to give up on my goal weight. I dont know what has caused the weight to stick but im sure just by trying harder and keeping focused it will eventually budge. I have considered many things, either carry on like i am, or change to 40mg, or stop Duromine for a few weeks, I will get some advice from the doc. I know I dont have that much weight to loose but i would be over the moon if the weightloss was more consistent. As it is hard to stay motivated when you arent seeing any results.I do believe i am eating correctly aswell. I think its a mind game as much as it is a weight game. Good luck to you
Hi All - I'm still feeling the same. No loss again, and my appetite is as normal as its every been. Cant resist the sweets again, and portions are bigger again. Not sure if its because I'm exercising a lot??

Hows everyone else going??

Blog entry information

Miss T
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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