Week 5 - 6.7 gone

  • Author Vix
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  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
well 6.7 gone with duromine or 8.1 if you count the week before duromine
Still feeling chunky with that loss but my undies are no longer screamin for help My ass always seems to find gained weight!! Poor thing
Haven't ripped any heads off yet!! So that good.
Went out for dinner on Friday and had a burger as big as my head!! Yep these things are massive!! And no I didn't eat it all though I could have
My husband does what he usually does and bought me chocolate! And no I didn't eat it,
Not sure if your guys husbands or partners are the same but I'm sure mine tries to keep me fat!! He goes really funny and jealous when I lose weight! When I had lost the 40kgs things weren't great between us so I sure he was secretly glad when I had my knee op and started gaining weight!!

Been eating more salads and fruit. Omg fruit something I never ate before! Unless it was feijoas and they are hard to come by over here.
I don't eat breakfast, just can't and never have yep something I need to change.
Still no exercise apart from the shopping centre every morning!
Though I guess running around after 4 kids, a husband and three puppies is classed as SOME kind of exercise..... So HELL yes I'm counting that, they are piggies .

I still live on coffee! Always have that's one of my pleasures in life.
Sleeping like a baby but still have these annoying flu like symptoms and a bloody cough that wakes me a lot, not sure if it's the duromine as Ive had these for about a month now? But if it is them I'm still going to take them.

Didn't weigh myself every day, yay me that was hard!
Might start weighing in on a Friday??

Here's to another loss next week and another weekend my family survive
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A loss after eating out.. I count that as a major win. Go girl!!!!
I ate out and am up .5 from what I was before I went out. I didn't eat that much either damnit! Hoping to flush it out today. Will be shattered if I'm not well below last weeks weight by Friday.
I'm so glad to be following you, 6.7 in 5 weeks is a goal I am aiming for..
As for your exercise, I think your doing super fab, as long as your moving who cares!
Keep up the awesome work!
Thanks mumo3girls ,
Yeah I always get scared eating out as I don't have these feelings others have like I'm so full I can eat nothing .... I could so go eat a horse lol
Oh you'll be fine come Friday I bet but it's always disheartening aye if you enjoy something and the scales show a gain or worse they show a gain and you've been good
How many weeks are you up to now?
I'll still have some pills left when I go on holidays to Qld in October but run out half way though my holiday so will go see my dr before I go and see if he will give me another three months, though I DO plan on eating pancake parlour in Qld lol. Love that place but only once! And I figure I maybe able to eat a bit more as I'll be taking the kids to all the parks etc so that should increase my exercise.
I just hate exercise yet loved going to the gym !! But when you have a home gym I'm like ummmmm lazy!
You'll get good result on Friday I'm sure of it Xxx
I'm exactly the same with eating out. There is no FULL, but I did restrain myself.. Blah stupid bodies!
I'm only up to day 11, so shouldn't be complaining at all really.
Gym this morning gave me nothing, my energy levels and motivation just won't kick in when it's supposed to.
I love your qld plan, mmmmm pancakes! You have to treat yourself, it's "normal" and a great reward too!
Hi Vix.. Yeay foe nit weighing in every day!!! WooooHoooo! Friday os my weigh day too and if I happen to forget.. I either weigh in on Saturday morning or I wait another week... Gave last friday a miss on purpose.. want to see a result i will be happy with! So, your nundies aren't screaming for help now.. hahahahaha - ohh thats funny!!! I so hate tight nundies!

Your hubby gets weird when you lose weight too..??? Insecure buggers!! I am so ready for my partners jeal-attude this time... no way am I going to put up with that rubbish again!!

Saw my reflection as i walked past a shop yesterday- I look about 8 months pregnant. Big ole butt bumpin' on behind me.. and whats with the scaffold of fat from my chin to my clavicle..... I really hate being this shape.. it doesn't feel femine to carry.. I'm not overly feminine.. more of a rough and tumble personality.. but I do like the option of dressing and carrying myself that way...

...... probably when our boys unpack the jealousy..??
Hi lovely
Yes the undies cop it well lol
Yeah my husband goes really funny! There's quiet an age gap between us so maybe that's part of the reason too? Yep stupid insecure men right!
Oh I bet you don't look 8 months pregnant you wally lol, you may just feel that way cause I do
I really wonder if anyone is happy with their shape? Gosh when I was smaller I was convinced I was a tubby barrel yet in reality I looked like something from the walking dead!!
God I remember after my hysterectomy I had started to lose weight before I went in think I was about 25kgs lighter and when I came out two weeks later I had lost about another 15 while in there. I was sick as a dog! And my mum had came down from GC to see me (she herself had just had a major op) and she said to me Your not my Vicki anymore (I was skin and bone) and it broke my heart lol!! Yet I saw myself as being big and frumpy!! Oh hell yes I HAD the 12mth pregnant tummy in hospital .... Fitted into the maternity ward reallyyyyyy well, I was praying no one asked when it was due I was that bad! So spent most the time In my room, thank god for private cause I didnt want people to see me like that haaaaa.
Another I noticed was I would STILL go to the big section clothing at stores and my daughter told me off!! They would be like 6 sizes too big yet I still saw myself as a so 20 not a 12, it's VERY hard to change how we see ourselves
We woman are strange lovely so don't put yourself down you may feel your shape is yucks yet it is probably not as bad as you see yourself and others see you
So how you been going? Hope work and everything's going well and your concentrating on you :)
Well done! Your journey on duromine so far is very successful and Inspiring. Today is my 3 week but my 15th pill On and off for 2 days then 3 then 2 .have loss about 3.3 kilos so far and hoping to lose more on my last 15 days hopefully not stopping this time! At the moment D is making me spacey, jittery and cold, and a bit crazy . How long are you on D for?
Wow ladies ive just joined and reading through these posts so make sense and what gr8 sense of humour yous have/wow I lost 25kgs and my hubby got the jelly bellies n then i got preggas n piles it back on hmmm not jelly anymore!
Am giving duros a go and going to kick into some exercise this arvo and continue everyday even if its walking!
Thanks for inspiring me ladies
Hi Lizzy! Is it your first day on duro? What is your goal? Good luck
Hi 9024 and Lizzy
Oh god I'd love to get another three months after this lot if the dr will give them to me, I'm a big girl but it suits me if that makes sense?? Maybe better to say it's all in proportion when I'm still out of the "healthy BMI" numbers.... Just not this big
LOL every time I lost weight I got pregnant too haaaaa think my husband may have found me a bit sexy lol!! Thank god I can't have anymore!! 4 is more than I needed
Really another jelly husband, they so need a bitch slap I reckon!! Insecure twits.
Great loss 0924! You have to do what suits and work for you.
Some days I feel a bit space too and jittery and have to say I HATE that feeling having gone through depression it reminds to too much of how I felt before I got help.... But I just say it's the duromine and come right .
How many months did the dr give you 0924? I know some give month by month and some three months which my dr did so I was shocked.
Good luck ladies , looking forward to hearing some great news from you both xxxx
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Hi Lizzy and 9024.. (better forgive me of I start calling you Numbers)..
I have felt spacey a few times- once in oarticular when i took duromine, plus a metamucil capsule and a fat mobiloser one.. ohh boy... my work colleagues were talking to me amd i am sure i only caught half of what they said.. i was concentrating more on how weird i was feeling - and wondering if i looked lkke i was off my face?!!.. felt like my pupils were dilated and i was woozing all over the place... have felt weird with just duromine too but not so much...

Its very much a personal journey, this duromine ride we're all on.. same train but different carriages.. some burn weight fast, some slower... mine - must be a broken carriage - its sooooo slow for me..

Wish you both a successful amd enjoyable ride.. with sleep, a happy outlook- AND deeling your clothes looser in no time..

I wish that for me too... boy do I..!!

And the Jealous Husbands.. what's with that rubbish... they are such jerks sometimes...!!
Don't know how you do it, Vix! I couldn't not weigh myself everyday. It keeps me on track but it's driving me around the bend as well.

I'm with you ladies on the body image issue. I remember being 58kg in university thinking I was obese! Oh boy, if I only knew what the future held!! LOL

I try to put things into perspective a lot. Since Dec 2015, I've lost about 12-13kg through exercise, going veggo about 5 days a week and duromine. I saw a picture of myself from 2010 when I was even larger (low end of 90kg) and geez, I thought I carried my weight well! Nope.

Hang in there! We'll get there!
Wow hi there ladies this will be day 4 for me on D my goal is to hopefully get done to 100kgs.
Ive just got to get into the habit of eating 3 small meals because I am so not hungry but last night I made a veggie smoothie which suited me just fine.
I will be happy with any loss at the end of each week.
I definitely will be exercising for the added weight loss.
I so dont like my pictures but once ive dropped 20kgs Im going to post my pics as I no there should be some kind of difference cross fingers.
Yep I have 3months supply am definitely going to take them everyday until I finish the pack and depending on my progress Im going to get another script. My Dr is pretty good with me.
Well done to everyone on this journey and yes very lonely road when your using D and when you tell people argh they dont understand am so happy to have found this forum.
Yay will keep tracking my progress and post.

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