Week 5 by emma73

  • Author emma73
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
This has not been the best week by far!
My weight remained the same as last week.

So what went wrong?

The week started out great. For 3 days in a row 1 walked my dogs just over 6km per day. 4th day I realised I’m walking faster now so have added a few more blocks to my walk. I’m now doing just over 8km walks 4-5 times per week. On days I don’t go I remain active running around doing the housework.

I’ve been eating well. Getting in my 1200 calories per day. Sometimes a little more or a little less. I also have to force myself to do this because I feel so full sometimes and other times I’m really hungry. My weight remained the same for 4 days and was wondering if 1200 is a little too much for me because I was eating 1000 calories and loosing .200kg per day on average. Not sure what to do now.

I’ve been drinking heaps of water. I’d been drinking 3 1/2 - 4L per day because water is good for weight loss but sometimes I was getting dizzy and feeling sick afterwards. Then I researched about water consumption and realised too much water leads to water intoxacation. First signs are dizziness and vomiting and can in some cases lead to death. I did some calculations and due to my height ( or lack of) and weight I should be drinking 2 - 21/2L per day and an extra 1/2L if exercising. I worked out I had been drinking 4 1/2L or more because I didn’t count the 2 coffees I have per day, also and water content in fruit should be considered also. So now I’m sticking to 2 1/2L per day and I’ll drink a little more if I feel thirsty. I don’t feel so sick anymore.

Early this week I had a new Gardner come to do some winter pruning. I had a beautiful formal English garden with well established plants. Neighbors and passers by would stop and take photos of the front garden. The gardener over pruned and took out most of my trees plants and bushes saying they were all dead. I ended up with empty dirt patches with a few sticks sticking out of the ground (over pruned roses). Now all my garden beds are empty. And no my plants were healthy and not dead. For 3 days I was so in raged inside myself. I’ve never been so angry in my life. I had to tell my partner to deal with the gardener as I might rip his head off. I don’t know if duro added to my rage or not. By Friday I was tired after a 12 hour shift at work and got home at 3:30am, then got up at 6:30am as usual to feed the pets and get my daughter to school. I was thinking of taking the dogs for a walk but my legs were a bit stiff from already 4 days in a row. Instead I sat on the staircase and cried about my garden. Thinking of the thousands of dollars and all the time and effort and how many years it will take to fix it. So I missed 2 snacks and lunch. But still ate my dinner at work that night.

On Saturday I had breakfast and then I had to go shopping. I made it home with just enough time to get my daughter ready for her friends party. On the way to the party my stomach started to rumble very loudly and I realised I had forgotten to eat. At the party I caught up on my water and they started to bring food out for the parents. It was all fried food, nothing healthy. I was starving by then and I had to eat something. So I ended up eating potato gems, wedges and spring rolls. I wasn’t even craving that food but l was really hungry. I was disappointed as this was the first time in 5 weeks that I had eaten badly and I wouldn’t of done that had there been a healthier option.

Sunday! I new this was not going to be a good day. I had a Christening to go to. So I didn’t have breakfast as I went to the after party arranged and paid for by the parents of the baby at an Italian restaurant. So no choice, out came garlic bread and antipasto followed by assorted fried foods. Then pizza followed by cake. Coffee and biscuits to finish. Lunch went for 5 hours so yes, I ate it. Also because the Italian family find to insulting if you don’t eat and I didn’t want to be rude. I didn’t have dinner that night.

So I ate really badly over the weekend. Put on 1kg but work hard in the last few days and it came off. So I now I weigh the same as last week. I don’t feel bad about the weekend as I know I wasn’t craving any of that food. It was not temptation, it was more like not being prepared for social situations. It’s a good lesson about being more mindful of social situations and how to handle this in the future. After all isn’t this part of what we are supposed to be learning on this journey for how to manage life after weight loss.

So starting Monday back to my healthy plans. Eating right, drinking water and exercise. I know I’ll do better this week. I will now be thinking how to handle social situations as my workplace is having its annual shutdown for 8 weeks (yay, 8 weeks holiday!). So everyone is celebrating. This means party’s, work BBQ, doughnut day, food days planned and supervisors and team leaders all giving out Chocolate. For the next 2 weeks I’m in food hell! Let’s see how I handle that.
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