Week 5 update

  • Author Daisyflower
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Start: 82.7

Week 1: 81

Week 2: 78.7 (loss of 4)

Week 3: 78

Week 4:78.5

Week 5: 78 (loss 4.7)


Struggling to lose weight even though I'm now on 30mg.

Extremely frustrating as I've eaten well and eaten less. I was really hoping to weigh less but will keep on trying.

I've felt way more buzzed since having the 30mg but it's also made me feel pretty anxious but the pros still outweigh the negatives.


Hello Daisyflower! Congratulations with your weight loss!! Slow and steady wins the race and I wish you to keep going no matter what. Don’t lose your motivation. We all are different and some people lose weight quickly, while others need more time.

I would advise you to put down in writing everything you eat during the day for 2-3 days and see exactly what and how much you eat, I mean in terms of both calories and essential substances. You need all of these, including protein, fats, carbs and fiber. If you go low in any of these, it might hinder the weight loss progress. You might also be eating less than you think, which is also not good while losing weight on Duromine. Besides, you know why your weight loss is slower than you would wish it to be. Your health condition and the need for high-calorie and sweet foods definitely complicates your weight loss. Did you introduce any physical activity? Chin up! You are LOSING the weight, not gaining, so it’s a total win!
Hey April!

Thanks for the advice. I've been tucking into some peanut m&ms lately... naughty.
The first couple weeks when I was religiously counting calories I had the best results so I need to go back to that!
The sugar cravings seem to be getting worse and worse which isn't good and I have a terrible mindset of "oh I've already had a few so I might as well finish the packet".
Not good.
This is now my 6th week and I still can't get under 78 which is killing me. Weigh in on Thursday so we will see but so far it's not looking good.
My exercise has massively reduced as I've been feeling really sluggish even though I'm barely sleeping. I'm going to push myself tomorrow to go for a big walk/maybe even the gym! My dogs had a sore leg so I've used that as an excuse. Not good but I know where I'm going wrong so exercise and calorie counting will become a focus again!

I got some bathers delivered today so there's a bit of inspiration to get moving! X

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Read time
1 min read
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