Week 5 weigh in!

  • Author Mumo3girls
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well.. Week 5 weigh in..

Loss .200gms

Ouch! That was the slap I needed..

Total loss 3.2kgs in 5 weeks.


Hi Mumo3girls...

Results like mine .. i am still contemplating filling my 3rd script..
Seems so much money
Deanna I'm a bit the same.. But then yesterday, I went to the gym after having a banana, got home, had visitors, and it was 3pm before I realised I was starving and hadn't had anything real to eat.
This isn't normal for me, usually I get home from gym and gorge anything nearby cause I can't control myself cause I'm so hungry... So it must be helping!?
Plus even when I did eat I had sandwich and that was all.
Roast beef for dinner at 6:30 and ate half what I normally would..
So winning I say.. Not every day is like that though..
Maybe because I took my tablet later in the day (about 12 I think, with a cuppa) rather than first thing?
Hi Mumo3girls. Its just so disheartening to read how well this expensive venture works for others - and when I think about what I cant pay in order to fill the script.. with work taking all my time so bugger deliberate exercise... and the intense constipation.. :confused::(;)...

But you are right... it does lessen the want for food.. its been a few weeks now. Perhaps I will weigh myself in the morning and take myself to fill the script.. feels like a dash towards home run... gee I hope ot includes dashes to the :eek: ensuite too!!!
Thanks for helping to sort my attitude..
I am afterall my own worst enemy...
No doubt we all are!!
How are you feeling today Deanna78?
It is a lot of money and while my results were great at the start they have really slowed down now :( $25 a week for an 0.1kg weight loss!!!! I'm now going to try taking it a little later in the day as suggested above as that seemed to work really well for me yesterday (I took it at 12 due to forgetting in the morning then wasn't hungry at night and I still slept like a baby).

But overall I've started looking at all the yummy treats that I wasn't interested in a couple of weeks ago. Here's to another month of battling this bad relationship I have with food! We got this ladies! Another week and another step closer to our goal.... even if it is only a tiny step! :laughing:
I have also been taking it a bit later in the day, about lunch time, to stop my night time hunger/picking and it seems to be working fabulously
Mumo3girls do you take it everyday or do you give yourself a regular break to keep your body guessing? I took it at 11:30 yesterday and had some trouble getting to sleep so trying 8:30 this morning. If its too early I'll try 9:30. I think its a good thing to get to know how our bodies work and use this medication as a tool. My parents have both had lapband surgery and keep saying that it is just a "tool" that they have to use. I think this medication is like that. It isn't the easy quick fix. It still requires work and dedication on our part. But as we get to know our bodies better we can learn to listen to our bodies. One of the biggest things I have learnt so far is what it feels like to be hungry. hahaha I never knew that feeling before. :laughing: What are you ladies learning about yourselves??
Absolutely agree.. It's a tool alright.
I'm learning about hunger too, I'm hungry a lot, which has made me realise that before D, I was suffering cravings, not hunger, and was more likely to binge eat due to cravings.
I'm more hungry now but can control it.
I had 3 days off duro in between scripts but other than that I've had it every day. I've changed times though. I was originally having it early at 7:30am but am now having it with my lunch after the gym because that's when I'm having better food and to last me for the evening.
I don't feel like I'm needing to try so hard this week..

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