Week 6 update

  • Author Daisyflower
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Start: 82.7

Week 1: 81

Week 2: 78.7 (loss of 4)

Week 3: 78

Week 4:78.5

Week 5: 78 (loss 4.7)

Week 6: 78 (for fuck sake )


You can imagine I'm not impressed. I pretty much haven't lost any weight since week 3.

I take my 30mg at 10-11am and I'm still hungry around 6pm.
I'm going to try take it later tomorrow as the mornings are easier for me.
I don't sleep anyway so that side effect is nothing new.


Hello Daisyflower. Sorry to hear you have hit such a long plateau. When this happens, you have to change something in your program. Either you skip on day of Duromine, or you can play with your nutrition (up or lower daily caloric value by 20% for two days and then continue with your 1200 calories), or you can play with your exercises (if you exercise daily, skip a day / if you do cardio, add strength exercises and vice versa, or get into a crazy bicycle interval training to fall of the bicycle at the end). You simply need to shake your body a bit. Plateaus are a normal thing and we have to find ways of tricking our body when it happens. Take care and never stop believing in yourself. Well done on being consistent and keeping up the fight!
Hi April

Nice to hear from you.
I know I've had days where I've well exceeded calories but have been in denial about it (eg. Telling myself chocolate sultanas are grapes...)

So after a bad day of overeating on a Friday I'm going to go back to calorie counting. I'm really pissed off at myself so I hope it's enough to get me back on track.

On top of this I'm hoping to get back to exercising because it makes me feel really good.
Fingers crossed my motivation picks up!
Hi Daisyflower, glad to hear from you. Did you manage to get back on track after the Friday’s “blast”? =) Crossing my fingers, arms, legs and everything that I can cross that you get your motivation back and engage into sports soon. Indeed, you feel so much better when you exercise, especially when you know your goals and enjoy the thoughts of the results you produce with your own willpower! Have a lovely week!
Your body is a very smart and adaptive machine! It gets used to a state after a few weeks! So your body will adapt to this medication. So maybe stop taking it for a few weeks and really focus on exercise?
I know its easier said than done!

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Read time
1 min read
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