Week 6

  • Author emma73
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
This weeks loss is 0.8kg.

So this week I have broken both my dogs! Wednesday one of my dogs came home from our walk with a limp. The other dog pulled him to the side as he was walking straight and he yelped when it happened. So the next two days I only took one dog for a walk and he was limping on Friday too. So as of then I’ve been walking alone. It’s not as much fun without them. They have both recovered now but I think I should give them another week rest to be on the safe side. Funny how my dogs are supposed to be strong working dogs (border collies) and I thought they could out walk me.

So most days when I can, I’ve been walking just over 8k. I’ve also been adding stair climbing. How this works is I normally go up & down the stairs at home around 5-6 times getting my daughter ready for school in the morning. So after my daily walk I look at the health app on my phone it might say 6 flight climbed so I go up and down my staircase circling the top landing and the bottom entry hall. I do this 50 times. I stop when I think I’ve reached around 25-30 times to check my phone then continue to about 50 and check again, if need be I add some more. So with the ones in the morning my phone should say 56 flights climbed. Then when I get ready for work and do some quick house work I might go up and down anougher 5-6 times. Usually my phone says over 60 flights climbed, over 17,000 steps taken and have walked over 12k before I go to work. So at work I can’t carry my phone on me and personal are not allowed to use the lift it’s only to transport stock and equipment. So I figured I may do another 10-15 flights of stairs there and also when I get home and creep up to bed sometime after midnight. In all I’m thinking about 90-100 flights a day. Also at work is when I do my upper body workout. While processing I’m lifting 5-10kg at a time stretching up high and down low( trying to do squats instead of reaching down low). This is repetitive work at a fast past. 2nd part of work is cleaning, taking apart machines, scrubbing machines, washing parts, putting machines back together. Then finally the last part. I work in a sterile area so ceilings and walls have to be mopped as well as floors. So lm super active all day long.

I’ve been drinking 2.5-3L per day. This week I’ve been sticking to 1000 Calories a day as last week I tried 1200 and really struggling to loose the weight. So this week ive been really good, no eating anything I shouldn’t but I’ve struggled again. Up and down all week. I’m at a bit of a loss on what to do. Do I try going up? I really feel that would be eating too much.

I’m at a loss this week. Am I not doing something I should? How much really should I be eating? Also I’m wondering if it’s starting to wear off. I felt like it was a bit last week. This week I don’t even have a dry mouth anymore. I’ve been wrestling with food demons too. Telling me it’s ok to eat that kit Kat in the pantry or why not have a few potato chips out of that open bag. I’m winning so far but it’s getting worse every day now. I refuse to get rid of these things because i have a family who shouldn’t be punished because of me. We always have family, friends and strangers (potential adopters for our foster cats) at our house and l’d like to offer a few biscuits with a coffee. I need to learn how to say no. When I finish loosing weight and go it alone there will always be temptations and I have to learn some self control.

In conclusion I am thinking of taking a break on Friday and over the weekend to reset myself. I don’t know what’s going to happen with withdrawal or side affects. If I’m ok I might go the whole week without and start the other half of my journey after that. So I guess we’ll see what happens next week.


poor dogs! You're a terminator lol! Glad to hear they've recovered already and applause to you for all the physical activity! in fact, I think that the amount of your activity is a good reason to actually increase your calories intake. On days when you're super-active up the calories to 1500-1600. If you add more strength exercises (besides the lifting up and down at work), up the calories to 1800. On days when you're not that active, try not to go over 1200. Let's try like this and see what happens. And, probably, it's good idea to re-start Duromine, if it stopped suppressing your appetite. On the other hand, if you were not providing your body with sufficient fuel, compared to your activity, there is no pill in the world which will stop you from getting cravings.
Oh, and congratulations on the loss!!! Have a great weekend ahead and work on your plan for the next week. Better have it planned, scheduled and signed. =) Cheers
Hi April,
Thanks so much for your support. It’s really appreciated. What you are saying makes total sense.
I could be doing too much and not eating enough. I don’t think the exercise is too much for my body. As for what I do work wise, I’ve been doing for years and my body is used to it. I’ve only really uped my activity by dog walking and stair climbing.

While I think my water consumption is under control. I find food is the main problem I have. It’s driving me crazy. I have no problem eating 1000 calories or going up to 12000 even though I struggle to eat that amount sometimes. I’ve never been a big eater. What I read and what people suggest about eating more makes perfect sense but I’m battling in my mind because of old habits. For years I’d been eating next to nothing all week then bingeing on snack foods on the weekends. I now realise I’ve been doing it all wrong. But when I try upping my intake per day in 5-6 small meals I have these thoughts of I’m eating too much and I don’t trust my body to deal with this amount correctly and still loose weight. It’s scary.

As for taking a weeks break if I can, I think is best. I need to really rethink food. Thinking of eating chips and chocolate is not from being hungry, it’s more because I can see it there every time I open the pantry and sometimes it seems more convenient than actually making something healthy to eat. This comes from old habits. I need to find a way to talk myself out of it.

I’m feeling very frustrated about all of this right now. Also I think the effects are wearing off. I have no symptoms anymore no dry mouth, energy level is going down each day. I’m just pushing myself really hard to keep going and be active. My positive attitude is wearing thin, maybe because the last few weeks I’m not going down on the scales in consistent amounts. I keep going up and down all over the place. I think I’m trying too many things and not giving myself a chance for anything to work.

So I’m going to try to see if I can take 3 days off a least. I don’t know how I will react to this with withdrawals and side effects. If it’s not too bad I’ll take a whole week off. During this time I will try to remain eating healthy and getting some exercise. I will come up with a new plan to stick to for the second part to my weight loss journey. I do want to make the very best out of this experience and also because I don’t want to ever get this far out of control and have to go through this extreme again. Once I have finished this weight loss I want to maintain it as best I can on my own.
I hope this all makes a bit more sense. I’ll post an update next week.

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