Week 6

  • Author Miss T
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well I have made it to week 6, total loss so far is 5.1kg.

I went to doc yesterday to get my second script, was hoping he would put me on 40mg as my weight has hardly moved in the last 3 weeks, BUT he is very happy with my weightloss and says I am looking fantastic. He doesnt want me to over do it and try loose too fast, he is happy with me doing exactly what i have been, he has advised on changing up my food a bit, which i am rather excited about and he is only wanting me to do 20 minutes of intense exercise instead of 45 minutes of cycling. He says 5kg loss is great and believes by changing things up i will loose the last 10.

With my weight being stuck over the last few weeks, i have definately lost my focus a bit. but after seeing how happy he was i think I am ready to start all over again and give it my best shot.

Hope everyone has a healthy and happy week end.
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Well done!
If you keep it up the 10 kilos will be gone forever in no time at all.
Awesome job! Go you!

I have stopped taking over the past couple days as not sure its doing anything for me anymore in regards to appetite suppressant. I have been exercising a lot and know I have built muscle, but I cant control the binge junk food eating again. Do you know why your dr said to only do 20 mins??
Hi... I told him i was trying to do 45 min of cycling everyday (i hate exercise by the way) and he said it is better to do shorter times but more intense. for example, I cycle at medium speed for 5 minutes to warm up, then cycle like a crazy person for 2 minutes, then slow for 2 minutes, then medium for 2 minutes then back like a crazy person for 2 minutes. keep going like that till i have reached 20 minutes. I am actually starting to enjoy it now, I even woke up earlier this morning to cylce, only did ten minutes but felt good after. will try to 20 minutes of cycling twice a day now instead of one pace cycling for a solid 45 minutes. over my six or 7 weeks of taking D, I skipped taking them on week ends, but now i take every day without missing. My weight hit a plateau and so did my focus. but i am now very determined to loose. I have changed my eating routine too, think the change up is doing me good.
I must say i dont think D is effecting my appetite as much as i would like it to, I do crave junk every now and again, but i am using it anyways until i know for sure my will power is stronger then my cravings.

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Miss T
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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