Week 7 A bit disappointed

  • Author michelle driver
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So here I am at week 7 and I havent had a loss this week but I havent had a gain either! all up Ive lost around 5.5kg which is better than nothing but with the amount of exercise I do etc I was really hoping for more. But it is a long time to stick with something 7 weeks and even if I keep losing 700g a week (which is what it seems to average out at) its better than gaining 700g a week a good loss next week will keep me motivated so ill try extra hard and maybe the weightloss gods will smile on me! I really want to at least get under 90 before the big wedding/family reunion on the 20th Sept 4 weeks to lose 2kg should be doable! it will be a week of eating and drinking cause thats what my family does but I can make much better food choices now and most of the time I just dont feel like eating! Ive gone back down to the 15mg the side effects were just too much for me on the 30s couldnt sleep, felt sick and my mind wouldnt stop. Good luck fellow durominers!
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oh my dear Michelle ,BIG HUG FROM ME , I too had a the worst 7th week {this week}, but I did lose 200g, so I better not moan too much, AS I have stood still in the past too ..I am sure you will lose the 2kg in time for the wedding, ! 700g is gr8 for a weekly loss, and it is consistent, so I am sure your body is just going through a slight plateau, but will rectify itself again soon ..I am seriously thinking of going back to 30mg as I am currently on 40mg and it not doing me any good on any levels ,I am looking to change my exercise routine again, and get my food groups changed up again, I plateaud a few weeks back because my body got used to the exercise and same brekkie and lunch Everyday, then I had a very erratic week this week thinking it would shake my body to a gr8 weight loss ,but it was not to be, as I lacked sleep and my headspace on D40mg, was just too much for me to be balanced with my daily life ..But I am glad I stuck to the D40mg for the week to be sure it was not for me..May your week ahead be a gr8 one, you can do this, you are able to reach the 2kg mini goal you have set for 6Sept ,so keep looking up at that goal girl !! have a gr8 weekend , and know you not alone on this journey, you have actually motivated me in a Huge way right now, know I am not alone in week 7 ,and that these things do happen , and also that we still in a bit of a trial and error stage when it comes to the meds, and our routine of eating and exercise too, and that it will be an on going battle to find the balance for life as we learning to have, and to use, all the tools we have been given to keep us focussed and motivated .. KEEP GOING !! :)
Don't feel disheartened. My weight was up half a kilo at last week's weigh in. Making my net loss over two weeks zero. Made me feel pretty low. Weighed myself this morning (my weigh in day is Tuesday) and I am down almost two kilos. Maybe I was just having a 'fat' day on weigh in day IDK but sometimes you will have a plateau (and I have had a couple) but as long as you don't let it get to you, you can bounce back. Sometimes it just means taking a close look at what you are doing. Have some things been creeping back? I started to record everything this week (a school assignment perfectly timed) it has encouraged me to look closely at what I am doing and think twice about a lot of things. Even so, I had an up and down week. Big night drinking on Friday for a friend's 50th. OMG alcohol has so many calories and have 4 or 5 or more :p and you can have a huge blow out. Add in a cheese platter and I thought the whole week was going to be a loss. On top of that I had a fight with my daughter yesterday and forgot to eat until dinner.
Anyway... I got off topic a bit... As you can see, none of us are angels. We can all have a bad week or two and sometimes we can do everything perfectly and still not lose or put on weight. I really don't understand it at times. The main thing is the BIG PICTURE. In the long run, over the space of weeks you are averaging 700g a week. A fantastic result and the perfect amount for long term success. Keep it up, you will surely reach your goal by the big wedding/family reunion, just make sure you don't outshine the bride (big no-no) ;). I am lucky. My kids are not talking marriages.... yet (though it is on the horizon) so I have a little time to get myself together.
Have a great week.

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michelle driver
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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