Week 7 weigh in

  • Author Mumo3girls
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well it's school holidays and I've been nibbling on crap all week and doing minimal (other than running after the kids) so my scales weren't looking real great yesterday morning so I decided to do a fasting day like in the 5:2 diet.
So my day consisted of
A toasted ham cheese tomato sandwich
A banana
An Apple
2 cups of tea and 3.5lts of water..
And an interval walk/run for 30 mins.
Calories eaten 530
Calories burnt 350ish

Result loss of 500gms

Total loss in 7 weeks 5.2kgs!!

Ok this doesn't sound much.. but yesterday my scales were up maybe 1.5 but I didn't stay to look properly so either way, I'm calling this a win!!
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5.2kgs is a great effort!!!!! Congrats hun! :)

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1 min read
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