Week 8 Day 53 (late entry) 29th Dec 15

  • Author jes
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Saw dr today...down another kilo which is great considering its the festive season.

Christmas was great! Both families provided dishes which were healthier instead of the old usual chicken and chips gravy, pizza ...etc

Day 58 3th January 2016

Partner and I cancelled our gym memberships since we haven't used them in 7 months. During this time we have taken a liking to hiking and walking trails.

Added zinc, magnesium, foliate, Vitamin E to my daily routine to clear up my acne otherwise dr said she will prescribed something harsher for me...really dont want that.

Unfortunately dr said im PCOS now, which is scary to me as my fertility could be compromised and all I've ever wanted is to carry and birth my children. Time will tell.

Diet has improved significantly especially with gluten intolerance keeping me from straying. Do need to drink more water.

Next update due 29th Jan 2016


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