Week 8 emotional

  • Author Mumo3girls
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So I'm mid way through week 8 and it's school holidays.
This means, no gym, minimal exercise, bored kids. I had a job interview last week and was so anxious waiting to hear back, when I finally did, I didn't get the job. Totally gutted, lost focus on everything, food hasn't been too bad but everything else has been totally crappy. My emotions are all over the place, I have a short fuse, I'm sleeping heaps, I have no interest in anything, everything is getting to me.. this shit is bordering on depression.
So this afternoon I've realised, it's the lack of exercise and WATER and too much sleep..
So, now I'm onto it.
It's midnight, I'm staying up late, drinking lots of water, and hopefully get these kids out for some sunshine and fresh air tomorrow in between rain!

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Hi Mumo3girls, we women are typically an emotional bunch in any case... top it with being the sole keeper of school holiday antics and bliss for the kids, a sense of needing a new source of Independence (aka - a job that pays an income) and having also to be the main person the family look towards for ready meals and clean clothing etc etc etc..... etc etc etc... AND our own figure in there somewhere- trying to get sorted... its no wonder our emotions overflow....!!

I threw my job away 2 weeks ago.. was working ridiculously long hours for a place that was in an enormous mess to come into.... figured it was taking from me as opposed to giving to me (not talking money here, obviously)... so.. i quit.. have had my rest and am now looking for another job.... have an interview tomorrow - but... i don't think of them as interviews anymore.. but rather a Meeting to Chat about a role... and then - i allow life to either lead me further into it or to tell me its not for me... Sure, theres been roles in the past that I have felt I REALLY wanted.. but didnt get.. Ive also had roles where i didnt expect to have offered but they were.. one in particular - I LOVED.. took me throughout the state and sometimes interstate.. but my partner hated me travelling.. I was stupid and put HIS emotions in front of mine and I left... all that did was to give him control over my career.. I have never forgiven myself for that and will never put his or another persons emotions ahead of my own with regard ro my career again... needless to say.. i haven't settled into another role wholeheartedly since then..

So now.. with a Chat tomorrow - I dont really care if i get it or not.. I have a couple of possible options in the air at the moment.. and my attitude is the same for each.. One would provide travel again and yes.. I would like that one above others... but - if its not right for me... then i dont want it to be offered to me.. I want life to offer me the Right avenues... and to disregard those that aren't right.. Saves me from beating myself up if i hope for something too strongly and miss out!!

I also think you're right with the water and exercise part.. I have been taking walks this past week.. taking my grandbaby for walks (the mini family live with us).. I drink lots of of water but exercise was lacking.. it does make you feel better...
Oh my! I really feel for you because I know how frustrating it is for me when I can't exercise and when my son is home from kindy with crap weather so we can't get out and about. It really sucks. On the plus side I just bought a chrome cast and asked my son (4) if he wanted to train with me. We tried Pilates and when he was super bored of that, roughly half an hour I YouTubed some Zumba/dance workouts. He thought it was great.
Job wise, I'm lucky enough to have a job but I have applied for a fair few that are a lot closer to home, unfortunately missed out too. I'm sure something will come up for you soon. Hope you're feeling better xo
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