Week 8 weigh in - Under 120 at last

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this but the sudden urge to eat comes as soon as it's cold. This weekend was one of the most changeling I've had since I started my journey 9 weeks ago.

It is extremely cold here in South Africa at the moment and warm curries, soup, vetkoek and comfort food is how we keep warm. (for you who don't know what vetkoek is - It is dough deep-fried in cooking oil and either filled with cooked mince (ground beef) or spread with syrup, honey, or jam.) and those little suckers of 100g each packs a punch of 367cal but they are so devilish delicious.
Al thought I had my biggest cheat in the history of my 9 weeks - a full vetkoek and yummy home made pork curry without potatoes (817 cal) I still lost 2.1kg for the week. It was a good cheat and I felt very guilty but also very satisfied with it. I still go jogging/walking in the afternoons and I think that contributed a lot to my total for the week. This week I will continue on the right path and very excited to start.
ONLY 600g TO GO BEFORE I HAVE LOST 20KG - :laughing::p

Can't wait to read about everyone else's weight loss for the week.

SW 138.9
CW 119.5
GW 75
Total Lost 19.4
Still to go 44.6
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