week 9 has been a learning curve week for me ,in such an unexpected way, and I think I have finally found my" weak spot "that has been my downfall on

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 5 min read
Hi All,

I have been struggling with my weight loss ,on the scale ..Over the last 9 weeks on D ,calorie counting and exercise..I only had a weight loss over a 5 week period ...Which means I basically "wasted " 4 weeks of my 9 weeks.. {WELL SO I THOUGHT} Technically it is true ..But when I went through my tracker record, and all my weeks of cm loss I noticed that most of my cm loss was on the days my weight loss in kg was very little on non existent..At first I was very down about the fact that I had lost 4 weeks but having read through my history over the 9 weeks in my food diary and exercise journal, I got see a pattern, and the "mistakes " I have been making all along .... Surprisingly it was not my Food intake ,or my Exercise Time...BUT the KIND of exercise I was doing at the time ,and the food groups I was eating, post exercise ....IT ALL MAKES SENSE TO ME NOW!!!....

have a history of 24 yrs of yo yo eating and exercise , never getting to goal weight and maintaining it for long periods at a time .. it used to frustrate me so much, putting in so much dedication and effort, and my family being witness to me doing 100% and never seeing the results long term ... They never understood why, and neither did I ,because everyone else around me was getting it right ....

I have done so much research on food,and exercise and combination foods etc, those of you have been dieting as long as I have or longer know what I am talking about ,we can write our own , books on HOW YOU SHOULD EAT ,as we well equipped in this area, we even speak the language , nobody can tell us what we do not already know ,right ? The only reason we cannot voice our opinion to others is because we have NOT MAINTAINED what we have learned .....

So I decided to do one more round of Extensive research on MY body and how it functions, according to my personal data on my food tracker and my exercise tracker, WHERE AM I GOING WRONG ?????? ...
I stumbled upon an old thread I was given many yrs ago by a friend, on BODY TYPE. I was not interested in reading up about it then, as I "believed " my "Body Type" was non existent, as I was "deformed" by my fat ,and I could not identify what my Body Type was , so I filed the info for another time .....Well that was 10 yrs ago, and nothing has changed drastically with my "body type " just yet, lol ...BUT MUCH HAS CHANGED WITH MY MIND ,AND HOW I THINK AND PERCEIVE THINGS TO BE NOW ..

So I went onto the site and printed the three body types , put them on the table, researched each one, honestly and came to the most amazing breakthrough for me, that my body is NOT JUST one Type , I am half and half ,when I am at goal weight that is.The reason being, right now I look like an ENDOMORPH because I am fat ...but I have the natural characteristics of a MESOMORPH, when I am at goal weight.... It sounds pretty straight forward right ? but unfortunately it is not for me , my body when it is at goal weight is STILL half endomorph and mesomorph, and BOTH types have totally different ways of eating certain food for the type of exercise they must do to accomplish lifetime maintenance results with their body and weight loss goals ...Because of this I have been sabotaging myself in both areas of FOOD and EXERCISE ... It has been an on going pattern in my weightloss journey, that just as I start an eating plan and exercise, I plateau, at some point, never pinpointing the cause , even had all my dieticians heads turning and the my gym trainers were perplexed at this as well... When I joined this site , I was determined 9 weeks ago and till today, that I will not give up on myself this time and will find a solution that works FOR me and NOT against me.. I think I finally got it ... I usually go through protein or carb cravings depending on the workout I am doing , but so far so good I did not go through that with D, it seems to stabilize those two cravings for me when I exercise, but the minute I do not take D it comes back with a vengeance, so I realised this week that I need to find a way to control it with my exercise and eating pattern, WHILE I am an D ,so by the time I go off D I can control it 100% by myself through a pattern of post workout foods and exercise for my body type... I have discovered, that although I am an endomorph now, I need to lose fat /weight . but I need to eat the opposite foods I have been eating so far, WHAAAT !!!!!... and AS A MESOMORPH I gain muscle quickly ,but I need to eat the foods I am currently eating HUH ????? ...this was so overwhelming for me, but once I sat down and worked out a formula for my existing body shape and weight loss goal I could then work out my exercise routine for the food I was going to be eating that would prevent the "cravings" desire for either carb or protein , and it stands to reason that once I achieve this formula, I should be balanced for life in my exercise and eating life plan .. I was so happy with what I was achieving with my exercise and calories over the last few weeks but my weight in kg and even in cm over the last two weeks have been much to be desired, but I am hopeful now that this formula with the help of D will give me that new kick start to see results now every week.. I was eating food for the wrong body type ..then to add to it I was doing the WRONG exercises for my body type as well, how crazy is that ?.. hence why I plateaued and had cravings ...

I am under no illusion that this is not going to be a challenge for me every day with this new way of eating and exercise, but I WAS half way there with what I was doing so the other half cannot be that much harder for me to learn ,and knowing now what my body needs to have fuel and energy to function and process the food I eat and for exercise, I cannot see why it will not work for me , instead of against me ,like it has all along.... I guess I needed to be a little older,a little wiser and more open minded to find this out now, than I was a decade ago...lol ... I am going strong on D30mg, and with it and all of you and all your weekly notes I think I will be well on my way to success now ... and hopefully no more wasted weeks of standing still on the scale .... see ya all next week... have a fab weekend ....
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Have a great week Leigh wishing a lighter scale & a loss of cm's glad you are having warm weather up there ...it's been freezing on the south coast of NSW bbbrrrrrrr lol got the winter woollies on again :p Best thing about the cold weather is it's great to exercise keeps ya warm lol :rolleyes: interesting read about body types and formula my head is so full of assignments due, work, students ..I wish I had time to work mine out ..oh well maybe when I am on holidays I can :)
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ye ,"Shell" your life is pretty full on right now, so when you get that break go for it, it is really worth the time to work out what type you are and how to achieve ,achievable ,doable goals .. I am so stoked for the upcoming week, spent some of the weekend working out my new food tracker and exercise routine, and actually very excited to see where it leads in the next 7 days ... have a brilliant week ahead Shellyisme,xxx

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