Week Four: Not so great, but still losing at least

  • Author SevenOfNine
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
This week was absolutely horrible. The weather has been wreaking havoc on my arthritis -- and my grandma's and my partner's too, we've all been in terrible pain -- and because mine is in my back, well, let's just say that walking, bending, or doing much of anything at all is almost impossible without crying. I have some strong pain medication that I've taken when I just can't sleep because of the pain, but I can't take it too often or I'll build a tolerance to it, so I tend to suffer through what I can because having to go on something stronger isn't an idea I'm a fan of, especially with all the other medication I have to take on a daily basis.

So that means I unfortunately didn't get much exercise done this week. To be honest, I don't even feel bad about it. I mean, what can you do when you're in crippling pain like this, go for a run? I don't think so. Yesterday I needed to get some things from a shop that was a while away, so I figured I'd get some movement in by walking there, power walked all the way there, but by the time I left the shop, I almost blacked out from the pain, and my partner was like, "Look, I know you wanted to get some exercise, but we're taking a taxi home, this is ridiculous."

Needless to say, I haven't been keen on getting on the scales. Sure, I've kept up with my diet, and I knew that I at least shouldn't see a gain, but with so little movement it wasn't going to be a great weight loss week. Add to that the fact that I haven't been very, erm, regular these past few days, so that's not going to look very good on the scales either, though that should pass soon, bought some senna stuff to help with that. Anyway, despite everything working against me this week, I still saw a 0.5kg loss this week! Pretty happy with that, it's not like the first few weeks when I could do a lot more, but hey, for a temporarily bedridden cripple it's not too bad, huh? Hehe.

Saw my doctor on Thursday, he gave me a script for 40mg for the second month. Apparently I'm not losing at the rate he expected me to, so he's upping the dosage. To be honest, I would never have been able to lose at the rate he expected me to -- my BMI says I should lose quickly, but my body composition (body fat percentage and bone structure) says I'll lose moderately. Either way, I won't complain about being given another prescription, I just wish I didn't have unrealistic expectations placed on my shoulders -- for my body composition, losing 12-15kg per month is in no way realistic. I just have to remember that when I see my doctor and try and let the comments slide off as best I can.

Anyway, after a crappy week, here's the numbers:

Starting Weight (18 January 2015): 103.8kg
Last Week's Weight (8 February 2015): 96.2kg
Current Weight (15 February 2015): 95.7kg
Total Weight Lost: 8.1kg
Weight Lost This Week: 0.5kg

I'm okay with that. For my current physical ability, and with the way I'm, er, "backed up" at the moment, I think I'm still going okay. As long as it's a loss, it's an achievement right now. Here's hoping that doing what the physio told me will get me back up and moving again soon.
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Hi you have had a tuff week don't push yourself to hard otherwise you might lose your motivation you have had an amazing loss 8.1 kg is fantastic. The scales can play havoc with your mind I measure myself once a month & usually see a much bigger loss in cm when the scales are not showing much of a change, don't be to concern about the exercise you will get back to that once your feeling better,just make sure you stick to your calories the weight will still come of every gram counts & all the little loses add up ;).
Hope your feeling better over the next week :)
Hi you have had a tuff week don't push yourself to hard otherwise you might lose your motivation you have had an amazing loss 8.1 kg is fantastic. The scales can play havoc with your mind I measure myself once a month & usually see a much bigger loss in cm when the scales are not showing much of a change, don't be to concern about the exercise you will get back to that once your feeling better,just make sure you stick to your calories the weight will still come of every gram counts & all the little loses add up ;).
Hope your feeling better over the next week :)
Thank you so much for your super supportive comment!
You're right, measurements are superior to the scales for measuring progress -- I've taken to putting on a pair of shorts I couldn't button up at the beginning of my weight loss journey to measure progress, and in the last five weeks I've gone from not being able to wear them at all to not even getting a muffin top when I wear them! :laughing:

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