Week Four

  • Author Tash
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well... I gotta say thing week I was a little naughty :oops:... Last monday night I had KFC for dinner with a friend and went from loosing almost a kilo every to 2 days to no weight loss at ALL. I vowed never to eat junk again lol but then disaster stuck! Yesterday I had a massive event for UNI. We started at 5am and finished at 6pm and all we wanted at the end of it was MACCAS and silly me got a big mac burger.

I have still been exercising all week. Even had a great one on one boxing session with my personal trainer friend on Saturday and he really pushed me. But this week has really taught me that junk food is only allowed when I am trying to maintain my weight not lose it!

So here are my results:
Starting weight (26.08.13) = 100 kg
Week 1 (02.09.13) = 98.7 kg
Week 2 (09.09.13) = 98.0 kg
Week 3 (16.09.13) = 94.9 kg
Week 4 (23.09.13) = ...94.9 kg
Weekly Loss = 0.0 kg
Total Loss = 5.1 kg
Goal = 70 kg
Mini Goal = 85 kg by December

While I was disappointed in the 0 kg loss I also understand why.

On another note I saw my doctor on Thursday for an update and to get a new prescription and she was stoked at my 5kg drop. She said she was hoping for 5kg in 3 months. Which I said if that was how slow it was going to be whats the point... right? But she is happy with my results and my effort. She tells me to keep exercising and eating right and when I go off the pills in a few months time, I may not be at my goal weight but my body will be ready to continue on if I have the strength and motivation.

I hope to keep my loss to about 5kg a month. Its healthy and hopefully obtainable :). I really hope to get under the 90 kg soon and go down a BMI level and hopefully I can be 85kg for my sexy week away with my amazing, supportive, PT boyfriend to the Sunshine Coast in QLD by December. YAY

P.S. never eating fast food again! Not only did it hinder my weight loss but I felt gross after!


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