Week one done and dusted

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hello All,

Why is the site sooo quiet?

Week one was not too bad at all. I had a birthday party went way over my own recommended cals but still lost a good amount.
-4.9 Kg for week and it can only get better from here on out. YAY!!!

Hope everyone had great results.

SW 138.9
CW 97.5
GW 75
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Well done, SweetTeddie, well done!
Another step towards the goal! Yes, the forum has been quiet a little bit, we all have lots of work/homework to do. ;)
Do you have any idea where I can purchase Duromine online. I don't think it's sold here in the US. Phentermine 375 is not the same. I've tried it in the past. It did not have any effect on me.
Hi Teddie, I have been overseas and have gained 5 kgs also, I'm not worried as I am back home today and will be back on track after mothers day. keep going girl the journey is a long hard road, however is totally worth in the end :)
Have a great week
Hi I have started this week and I am 174 cm 134.5 kg starting weight what did you do for your weightloss

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Read time
1 min read
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