Week one done!

  • Author Tamaraj
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well my first week is done!! Woo Hoo

I have been on so many 'diets' and 'health kicks'. Cant even tell you how many, and within a few weeks I am always falling into old habbits and not motivated.
My first motivation for this weight loss was my wedding coming up in January. But now I have realised it is ok to do something for myself for once. I got very sick late last year and almost died. My doctor then pulled me aside and told me its time for me to look after myself. I raised a Autistic boy on my own for a bit over 3 years before I met my fiancé and now that he is at school and doing amazing, I can focus on me for a change.
I lost a bit over 5kgs on my own but because my body hasn't fully recovered from my illness last year it was difficult so my doc suggested Duromine because as my weight came off, my body may start to fully recover.
So happy with my progress, 3.2 kgs down in my first week, no bad side affects apart from a few head spins every now and again and im feeling confident this is going to work for me and even after a week im happier with myself, love exercising (boxing is so much fun) and I can see there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I live in Outback NSW so we don't have takeaway but am going back to the coast in 2 weeks to do more wedding stuff so I am a little worried about the temptation of fast food, especially when you are driving 13 hours in one day, maccas and kfc are the easy choice for a quick meal so you can keep driving. I will be using all my will power not to eat it....


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