week to week feedback

  • Author Sthandwa
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
hi guys am a lady 26 yrs ,my starting weight was 98kg, my goal is 80kg (pretty huge neh) so I have 18 kg to shed*winkx*. Last Sat was my first week, I weighed myself and i was 94kg, weight loss was 4kg in a week. Bt the next morning I weighed again and I was 96 which was pretty dissapointing am still confused, has anything like that happaned to you?
I did no excersice thou just normal house work and ate normal meald just smaller portions. Had no side effects what so ever just that after drinking the pill it felt like there was a tenis ball in my chest that wouldnt go down no matter what I eat o drink, so because of that I have decided to skip a day, so am on 1day on and 1day off .

This week am doing Tae bo which I can only do for about the first 10 min after that i sweat like a pig and find it difficult to continue LOL. Let see what happanes this week.


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