Week two 4.1kgs gone

  • Author Vix
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
well it's slowed down but I'm not complaining better than a gain
Living on the same food, had my first dinner out on Saturday and it went well, tasted like dirty socks though
Not exercising apart from the daily walking around the shopping centre.
Sleeping like a baby but maybe too well , I'm still waiting for the duromine high racy "let's clean the house" feeling everyone else gets lol
Today have a headache for some reason Maybe cause I got my families germs with the flu?

Nearly at my first goal!! Yay, here's hoping I make it this week!

Total loss on duromine :4.1kg
Lost the week before I started total :5.5 kgs
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Hiya Vix. How's things been for you since tuesday?
Hey Deanna78, yeah good thanks
Started getting the dreaded headaches though ggrrrrr
How about you??
Hiya Vix.. am ok. Had today off duromine and notably reaching for sugar.. hmmm
God I've been in a mood today! Not sure why but could kill my family ... Even if they just look at me lol.
How did you go last night with the sugar?
God I'm soooo tired on duromine now and could hibernate for weeks I'm sure
I have felt tired for weeks now.. seems i am habitually waking in the small hours for about 2 to 3 hours.. then waking knackered for work.. its becoming normal :confused:.. sugar was an issue yesterday.. bought a box of maltesers - was ok until i opened them... lol
Tonight was a taste testing night too.. had to taste lots of them .. wont be giving in to half price chocolate again.. it has to be a mission- No Chocolate!!!! Bought some Metamucil Captules today- hope they help with increasing the visits to the ensuite..

Has your family been brave enough to come near you again... since you were wearing grumpy duds??? Lol. Ive been in a foul mood just once in the 6 weeks on duromine- hopefully that's enough of that. Even I think Im a bitch when I am in such a mood...

Monday tomorrow... Last Friday i weighed in at 73.5.. I would so love to hit 70 by this Friday... its a big ask I guess ... maybe I should just hope for 72...

Are you still weighing yourself daily?
What's your goal for this coming Friday?

Have to find time to revisit the doc this week.. hopefully he will continue with my scripts. Am also needing to find time for a blood test before work.. he wants to see if my thyroid is working properly.. perhaps i should squeeze that in tomorrow. Want to visit dr again by Thursday or Friday so need it done Pronto so he has results when i get there..

Im just so darn tired of being an oompah-loompah... feels like joy is in hold but life is running away...
PS.. 73.5 is heavy for me... i am only 5ft 3. My perfect weight is around the 49 to 53kg range... aiming for 58.
Hey lovely
Omfggggg malteasers are my fav!! And one of the reasons for my weight gain!! I'd buy the boxes and he'll no I wasn't sharing bahaaaaa! Now I just look at them and think nah lol. They are def my weakness though.
Weighed today and no loss at all :( bugger over been soooo good but this week I'm sure there will be a loss, duromine is def slower than the dukan diet , the kilos fell off me on that and I swear I was eating a whole cow a day nearly!!
But I'll stick with duromine as I can't look at meat now.
Good luck with your blood tests lovely!!
I refuse them now as I had a year of waiting to see if I had blood cancer and it stuffed up my mind and my bloods crap so I just don't want to know anymore , or it will put me back in a bad place.

Gosh don't you find the "meant to be weight" stupid? I lost 40kilos and looked bloody horrible (I'm 5 ft 7) and still was like 17kgs out of what I was supposed to be but honestly I looked like a Sick skeleton and my ribs and hips stuck out like an anorexic person YET I was above wayyyy above what I was supposed to be.
I'd like to lose another 7kgs and could probably push that to 14 but then I honesty look sick.
Ohhh good luck come Friday!! You can do it lovely :)

Oh yes my family survived yesterday haaaaa and so did I . Think watching Bridget jones diary made me sad LOL.

Oh yep still weighing myself daily and noting it on the chart, it's good to see it go up and down but then wonder how as I haven't eaten much or junk. But I find usually you'll lose little bits or nothing then have a big loss in the following days .

Good luck with the Drs and everything
How hard is it usually to get more?
I'm thinking of asking for the 40's after I finish these . Have 2 more months to go but not sure if it's worth it as my friend said the 40 doesn't work on her but the 30's do? Strange..... And not sure my family would handle the moods if they increased with 40's god knows I didn't like myself yesterday

Let us how you go this week!!
Hi Vix.. mmmmmmmalteasers.. .!!

Well - I am a chunk now because I have a sister who is very overweight.. her eyelids are piggybacking other eyelids.. she had always given me grief about being slim.. but 10 years ago.. I was travelling a lot for work.. we grew up in a harsh home as kids and I wanted to give her nice things.. I started buying her perfume and sending it from wherever i was at the time.. at that same time.. my partner became extremely jealous of my job and how much I loved it.. she called me one day and told me I was just a skinny s- - t and how dare I send her perfume.. said i was flaunting my career and rubbing her nose in dirt.. Ohh - how sad that made me feel.. I was really hurt and I didnt unserstand.. same time - my partner would go through my suitcase and made me feel guilty for loving travel as well as my job.. stupidly- to appease my massive sister and my jealous partner- I left my job that I loved so much... and I decided I must have to be fat to be accepted and not called awful things..

I ate and ate and ate... and I got fatter and fatter and fatter... - my partner happy he controlled me enough to leave my role ad my sister just stayed being awful towards me..

Ao here I am.. fully aware of my major mistake and fat.. grosssly fat!! My partner - ( yep still same man).. I resent but have had to stay with (long story.. financially stuck).. but now i have a bunch of items purchased and put away ready for my own home.. my sistet - I don't bither with at all- and my slim figure.. has become a memory!

Fixing these major stuff ups is my mission!

58kg... I would be happy with that... 62kg.. Happy too.. it's for me that I want and need this... Want to restore myself - and to someday soon... know I am slim again and wont ever bugger myself uo in any way just to appeze others..

Am glad I am able to talk to you and a few others on this site....

40mg wasn't hard for me to get.. I just acknowledged the no loss on 30mg and asked to try the 40..

Talk soon.. x
Hey lovely.
Omg isn't it funny how we let others change us!!
I was always the yes person to everyone until my dad died a month before my 21st and I went into depression badly and had a mortgage and a two year old daughter to raise and worked full time as a solo mum. I changed after that and became the no person and lost lots of friends and family because of it! .... And a heap,of weight too But then moved to Aus to be with my new partner and we got married and I think being in a happy place I gained weight, had three more kids over 6 years and my weight has been a yo-yo ever since
But after losing the 40kgs I had a knee operation in March last year, stopped the gym and slowly some of the weight came back on, bloody malteasers
Well both get to where we want to be eventually.
Don't let people control you lovely, I know easier said than done !!
But it looks like you have made up your mind to do good for you for once and that's great You'll do it for you and watch their faces drop as the new you emerges . That will be a great feeling!! And worth the hard times now.
Can't wait until you've reached your goal and it's not too far off and you can live life as you like, we all need to be happy and we all deserve to be
Hi Vix.. yes.. you are right.. people can have way too much effect on us.. I grew up in a violent, frightening home.. not understanding why my mother allowed such horrific abuse on herself and her children- I swore noone would treat me in such a way as an adult... I thought I had met the love of my life at just 16.. and I guess at that stage and age.. I really had.. anyways - had his baby at 18.. he knew nothing of my childhood and of course.. i was a force to be reckoned with ( or rather a wrecked force who needed a certain kind of settling).. I gave him so much grief - expecting him to try to hurt me.. he newer did.. but as i was so young and had no idea of how to live in a happy place... I tore us apart.. he was (and still is a good person).. About a year or so later I met someone I was really attracted to. So much so that I took off and said No Thanks.. Go Away.. he didnt go away.. but rather gave me space and on christmas eve.. just 2 weeks after i had turned 21.. he walked me home from the nightclub.. told me he wasn't taking No for an answer anymore and that we would be together always.. So.. I said Yes .....but - on his way home.. he cane in contact with a fallen powerline - - and the world lost him.. life had then beaten me.. and I fell, as you did when you lost your dad.. into the deepest heartache depression.. I had decided then that I wasnt supposed to be loved.. and I would Never say Yes again...
I have, as you know become 'stationed' with someone since then.. and had 2 kids with him - but.. he has never had my heart.. several proposals all responded to with No Thanks..

I am on a mission now.. I was right to say Yes that Christmas Eve- but so wrong to have doubted my instincts and stood still afterwards... Our kids are truly wonderful but.. it is time I gathered myself and regained my figure and powered up that No Thanks - I can do this by myself attitude again... sulking tantrums about how I make others feel when I am happy in my skin are not going to be owned by me anynore...!!

Ohhh Vix - I surely cant wait...

I know I can find myself again... Thank you for helping to keep me ontrack and inspired.. Thanks a Million!! xx
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Hi lovely how you going?
Omg that's so sad and would be such a hard thing to get over , my heart goes out to you!
Jesus I'm still not eating YET still the same weight lol!
Today I was seriously thinking MALTEASERS!! But I didn't I done housework instead.... Rather proud of me for not eating junk !
I'm designing a tattoo to get next month in honour of my dad so it has to have a rose!! And bloody hell I am like I'm getting it when I get to my ten kilos and oh dear my weights not shifting Not thinking I have earned that tattoo lol
Just picked up my second month to start next week and I swear if I have lost nothing AGAIN I will have a hissy fit I had plans to lose about 11kgs before we go to Gold Coast in October but omg I may be the fatty trying to get on the little rides At dreamworld
Still on 500-800 calories so not sure what's happening bugger it
Oh big day for you tomorrow !!
Hoping to hear some good news from you!!
Hope you been going ok lovely (if not we shell share some pretend malteasers !!)
Hi Vix, well then.. lets not lose faith in time - we have a tattoo to look forward to!! (I'm looking forward to your tattoo, that is)!! I don't feel like I have lost anything for ages.. weigh day tomorrow. I haven't found time for a blood test yet so.. not sure if I will gwt to that in the near future or not. Just so busy with work- and I routinely make a coffee whilst getting ready for work.. Bugger! Am getting low on duromine so will try to see dr after work for a possible new prescription.. I'm still waking up really early eveey morning.. anywhere between 1am and 3am and am awake for hours.. Taking Metamucil captules too.. but they're not battling well against duromine.. I was 73.5kg last week. Hoping to see 60 something soon. Doubt it will be this week though- I have busted into the Malteasers afterall.. Think i ate enough to keep me away from them for a while- lol.. October is a nice time of year for Gold Coast. I'm in Brisbane, we have wind and cold through August and rain coming into Sept typically.. I was hoping to have lost 15kg by the end of October.. started duromine 17 june.. as at last week - only 5kg down... but still.. 5kg is good! I would prefer to lose it slower in the long run.. but geeese its frustrating having to be so patient! I read somewhere that it takes a loss of 7kg for clothes to feel a little more free on the body.. hmmm.. i do think perhaps it is visible in pockets (that noone else sees) at this stage.. like from my butt.. slowly seeing the difference drifting upwards.. so from my knees towards my butt.. I guess the last areas to plump out are the first areas to shed down..??? Remind me of your goals again.. this time around...
I'm only 5ft3 so any weight i carry is easily seen.. 78.5kg on me is disgusting! Between 52 ans 54 is free and easy - but my goal is to hit 58.. I haven't worn jeans for well over 10 years.. gee I miss them! They are one item i can't wait to want to wear again! Better stay away from Malteasers!! Tell me you're not still weighing yourself everyday..?? That woukd just play on my progress something shocking.. Think for sure I would be disheartened and give in... Once a week foe me and I even skip a week if I feel gross or bloated, extra heavy.. I don't want to know then.. i give myself another week - esp on the girly week..
Tattoo for you at 10kg down... I will have to think about what I would like at the 10kg mark.. talk soon.. xx
Hi lovely how did you go?
Yesss still weighing myself everyday!! God I'm dumb lol
I'd like to lose another 7kgs and at smallest 15kgs still way above what I'm posed to be but it suits me and anything smaller is seriously gross, I'm 5 7ft I think? 172 cm? And built like a brick shithouse as my parents always said LOL.
Oh you should be able to get to where you want to be by October , I'm hoping I lose the extra by then!! But reached my first goal of 5kg so am happy with that and can feel in my pockets too haaaa , God your funny!
Thankfully I don't have the dreaded monthly fun us woman have as that would do my mind in with bloating and weighing!
Oh you live in Brisbane, I love Qld!! And the weather ,
Going to put a deposit down for my tattoo today!!
It's going to be a small babyish one with an owl, has to have a rose or rose vine on it (for my dad) and a moon as I LOVE LOVE the moon.
I have a few tattoos for my dad , I refer to him as my dragonfly , and you bet when I've been troubled there is always a dragonfly around! The day I got my cancer result I got home and went to sit outside and looked up and there was the biggest dragonfly I've ever seen sitting outside my pergola and it just stayed there for about ten minutes and flew away into the night sky, it was like he come to say he was looking after me and we'll done on great results (after year long battle that put me In deep depression) .. Very weird! And I have butterflies for my mum cause she's beautiful and the best mum.
Hope your weekends going well!! And you managed to find time to do your things :)
Hi Vix.. Think Im ready to bust my scales- up 1kg.. back to 74.5.. hmmm... 1kg of malteasers..?? Cough cough.. possibly! Am taking a few days off duromine.. maybe the whole week ahead - just to see what happens.. Been feeling overdosed last couple of days - with metamucil captules as well banging around in my system (but still not finding their mission). Really spacey and unsteady on my feet.. have found it affecting me as i work. I manage a team of 22 and feel myself concentrating more on how my body is feeling instead of what they are telling me. Has been very weird.. I have been working between 9 and 10 hours most days too - and bringing work home as well.. so could just be knackered! No time yet for dr.. had told the team i was leaving at 2pm yesterday - but walked out at 6pm..
Need a serious break! Like you... I LOVE rhe moon too.. have a special lifetime friend (soul mate???) who I have reconnected with over the past few years.. the moon is our common ground... I believe too that we are sent messages in various ways.. I love your story about your visiting Dragonfly... beautiful..!! My son has an owl tattoo.. is soon to have a feminine one nestled in with that one and he wants the moon placed above them.. So - owls are special for my son and therfore are for me too now.. I think of him when I see them! My daughters have tattooos too.. one a large eagle on her back (interestingly so too did my dad) and my other daughter just has small tattoos. Me - I would surely faint if a tattoo gun touched me.. lol... you have done great to have lost 5kg already... Half way to that tattoo!! My 10kg goal.. will have me at 68.5kg.. perhaps I might give myself a few hundred $'s into a Woo Hoo savings account.. and then add $100 per kg thereafter, so I can spend at the end - at 58kg... :).. I imagine spending it then will be a pleasure! Yes - ok.. thats what i will do!... Really do feel weird - 2nd day today with no duromine.. I do need to have a visit from Mr Roger (ensuite buddy) haha.. could be my problem! woozy and sick in the guts.. a few days off duromine i am hoping will help! Talk soon.. xx
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Lol oh dear a kilo of malteasers nooooo silly lol
Oh god look at mine the last two weeks up and down and up and today down so 5.7 now since duromine and 7.1 total from the week before duromine. It's a strange thing lovely!! And very annoying !
Oh if you need a break then take one, I'm ok I don't work apart from cleaning up after 5 extra piglets And that's my work, so I can only imagine how it's going at work for you with the long hours etc, poor bugger hope it settles.
That's a great idea about the money, do you collect anything to spend the $ on or maybe a holiday or new clothes?
I put the deposit down for my tattoo yesterday and you'd have laughed!! My husband followed me in gggrrrrrr and I showed the guy what I wanted and apparently the size I showed him was too small a and I couldn't say I know it WILL be bigger cause my husband was there!! And he went on and on and I was thinking shut the f up lol, so when I got home I messaged my tattoo guy and explained to him I didn't say much as husband was there, yessssss my husband is mr prim and proper!! Hates tattoos and now I have 7, Hates piercings so I got my nips done and in Malaysia this year got a triple helix and my little bumpy bit in the ear done and also let me daughters and son go mad girls got heaps and son his nip done bahaaaaa , good god your only young once !! And I started my tattoos at 39??
So how have you been feeling off the Duromine?
Try low fat custard and oat bran , I eat that like there's no tomorrow though not for the last few days and it helps! Thou I have like half a cup of oat bran cause I love it LOTS.
Hope you've had a good weekend lovely and feeling better , ready for the week ahead xxxx
1kg of malteasers is an exaggeration... I'd surely have thrown up! How funny your husband followed you to the tattooist.. men are bizarre sometimes! Are you planning on having your tattoo in a place that has your husband feeling anxious..? Someone else touching you..?? So funny!

Have felt like sleeping most of the weekend away.. didnt get up until 11.30am today, so pretty much did sleep most of it.. have lounged around - just soooo tired!! My body is saying Thank F- - - for the break from duromine... Think for sure I need a full week at least off - just so I can 'p zero zero' - lol... During this time, I will definately take notice of how I am eating and all as well... Maybe the duromine will kick in with new force when I return to it.. hope with greater loss seen - and less blockage...

Will save for clothes and haircut/colour- new makeup...Me type things.. ohh - and JEANS!! When is your tattoo date? Exciting for you!!!

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