Week Two Wrap

  • Author shazzabig
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
As week two draws to a end I have been reflecting on my week.

Following on from my emotional post mid week I am still feeling a little all over the shop. In saying that I know I need to put this week behind me so it doesn't hold me back.

I do however feel like I have more focus. I meet a amazing trainer yesterday. He trains body builders and is also training for a triathlon himself. He is 44 and has 22 years experience so I feel excited to have his help. The downside is he is also a qualified psychologist. Yes I know this will be fantastic to work on my mind during the weight loss process but man is that guy in for a very long road. I have that much baggage it isn't funny. He picked up from our initial consult that I have a fear of food which I personally thought was amazing. He worked it out from my body language every time he mentioned eating (pretty good give away right lol). He is got some work to do to retrain my mind that's for sure. It really does scare me to think I am going to have to work on the mental side of things to win at this game. Am I ready for that? Well no not really 100% but I am sure as time goes I will be.
He is totally against me taking Duromine though so I am just not going to bring it up again lol. I will stick to the plan my Dr and I have going and will just leave out the duromine detail.
I start with him next Wednesday. Three sessions a week at $50 a pop. My hubby and kids are sacrificing a lot for me to be able to do this. Its a great deal of pressure knowing that but I am hoping that it will also push me to stick to it.

As for weight loss this week well I am not expecting anything exciting tomorrow. Writing this week off and planning on smashing next week.

Bring on week three!!!
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I hope the trainer works out to be the best for you.. & taking D your onto a wining combination ...... Your already half way won your battle good luck:) I look forward to reading about your results :)

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2 min read
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