Week Two

  • Author Tash
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So I weighed myself again today so here are the results:

Starting weight (26.08.13) = 100kg
Week One (02.09.13) = 98.7kg
Week Two (09.09.13) = 98.0kg
Weekly Loss = 0.7 kg
Total Loss = 2kg
Kilos Left to Lose = 28kg

Im trying not to feel disappointed with this result because I know on saturday I was at my friends kids 1st birthday and I had a little slice of cake. I had also sneakily weighed myself Saturday morning and I was 97.5 :eek: so damn you cake!

I also didn't work out friday or saturday coz of work and such but on Sunday I did this 10km fun run in Wagga (similar to City to Surf in Sydney) and was really feeling it. I was happy just strolling along but my horrible personal trainer boyfriend decided we should jog it. So out of the 10ks I probably ran 1 k of it and that was enough :confused: Hopefully bigger result next week without the cake :p

One thing I am finding lately is that because I am not so hungry during the day I cant be bothered making lunch or just plain forget and don't end up eating most of the day... Will have to work in this.

Anyway 2kilo in two weeks isn't too shabby. Going to stick with it for the long haul ;) I think though I am going to ask the chemist next time to give me the real brand in stead of the slightly cheeper generic brand to see if there is any difference.

Thanks for listening o_O
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