weigh day wk2.

  • Author jessiy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Its my first weigh day since starting!! Yayyy! It's not as big a loss as i was hoping but its something and i need to focus on that. Besides, my exercise has been pretty minimal.... i got a bunch of workout gear yesterday though so i can rectify that.

Start weight: 105kg
Start body fat: 53%
Start muscle: 22.2%

Wk2 weight: 103.3kg
Wk2 body fat: 54%
Wk2 muscle: 22.8%

So im not sure what is going on with the scales, it says ive lost 1.7kg of...... bone? My fat% went up and so did my muscle but my weight went down... (my hydration level stayed the same) ???????
Confused. Maybe i will weigh at lunch time or something.
Anyway! Its a loss and i am thankful!
Wk2 come on, lets dance!


CONGRATS on the loss!

By the way don't look too much at the body fat % and muscle % readings, personal scales rarely get it right. Also a good thing to do is to measure yourself (bust, waist, arms, legs) so if the kgs don't go down then at least you know you are still getting smaller.

Keep up the progress report! I was 105kg a few years ago and my whole journey is on my blog so if you want any tips check there :)

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1 min read
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