Weigh in day end of week 7 I am finally in double digits yippee

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
:):):) Doing the happy dance :p:p Finally under 100kgs
Start weight 110.3 kg
This weeks loss 1.1kg
Current weight 99.1kg
Wow overall loss in 7 weeks is 11.2 kgs and 14 cm, Duromine 15 mg thank you I have reached my third mini goal next mini goal to be under 95kg.
My challenges this week my birthday dinner tonight with my family at the Thai restaurant I will make smart choices, I already have my plan tom yum soup no cream and a small share plate of pad thai .....;) .... No cake there will 15 for dinner they can eat the cake :rolleyes: Lol ... I have training at work and told them I cannot eat their usual supplied lunch and have ordered the skinless chicken salad :):):p The training is on my actual birthday so I have told my colleagues no cake lol if they do they can't eat the cake I will drink my green tea instead lol ...wishing everyone a fantastic week with big losses on your scales :)
Goal weight 70kg only 28.9 kg to go.........
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Congratulations on getting back into the 90's well done you!
Congrats keep up the good work;) now you are in control
whooo hooo Shelly !!! good job !! SO HAPPY FOR YOU !!! cannot wait to join you in the double digits, this is my week for that goal ..KEEP GOING GIRL.. As Hotfizz says, you are now in control ,and what a gr8 place to be .x :)
That is great. I would be doing the happy dance also. I can't wait to be under 100kg.

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