Weigh in day & start of week 15

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I have been on this journey now since the 29/06/14 with 1 month off duromine due to sickness and holidays ... I can honestly say I have really had only one major setback which was my cruise holiday were I gained 4.8kg:eek:, however I did not stress or beat myself up about the gain, I put on my big girl panties took responsibility and got straight back on my journey the next day when I arrived home:p. I think having a positive attitude really helps me I knew I was on this journey for the long term, however long it takes me I Will Not Give Up because I am to Important!!! I Matter!!! :):)
I visited my doctor this week & my B/P is normal & my overall wellbeing & health has improved, I'm starting to regain my confidence in myself again :)My doctor has agreed to allow me to continue with the 15mg duromine by a month by month review, so I'm really happy because I need to lose another 22.8 kg :eek: I'm not worried because I believe in myself I know I can do this:):) I did need to lose 40.3 kg when I stared my journey:eek: so I'm nearly to the half way mark:cool:
Ok so this week has been a challenge with lots of parties & celebrations I managed to resist most of the temptations & stuck to my 1000 to 1100 calorie intake, I exercised 5 days and managed to burn 500 calories each day so if I did want a very small treat I could have it.
& I managed to lose 1 kg yippie :p
Start weight 110.3kg:eek:
Current weight 92.8kg:)
Weight loss to date 17.5 kgs:) WOW
Goal weight 70kg
:) I wish everyone a lighter scale for the week and just remember you are Fabulous :):)


Well done Shelly.
We are on a similar journey except I didn't have the cruise :confused:
It is great to read your posts.
It is definitely a difficult time of year to stick to your guns, with all the celebrations on the horizon.
Your doctor sounds supportive, like mine.
Most people say that you can only go on the D for three months, but for those of us with large amounts to lose, this is only a beginning.
I think if you have a lot to lose and you are sensible, allowing you to continue is useful. I do worry though that I am becoming reliant on the D and a little used to it. I am going on a two week break and think a break here and there is a good thing. You had your break with the cruise.
I'm sure when you began 40.3 kilos seemed a mammoth task. Now at nearly half way there you can be confident that you will do this,
Thanks Sharon I always look forward to you replys .. :) Like you said we are on similar journeys ..it's motivating to read your blogs and your positive quotes days and your challenges along the way:) and your right 40.3 kg was unbelievable I have tried for so long to get rid of this extra weight ... Duromine has been a life saver for me ... I don't feel concern about coming off it, because I did a about 8 days without duromine in August and I was fine no withdrawals and I stuck to my calories ....when I was on the cruise I was out of my normal routine so I expected to put on that's just holidays for ya lol ..... I'm sure you will be fine too:) x
Hi Shelly is me ...
You put me to shame girl !!
I have been on D three weeks longer than you and have not even lost HALF of what you have lost , YOUR RESULTS ARE FANTASTIC ..I NEED your and Smicks posts daily ,as I fall into the HIGH weight loss category as You both, as Smick rightfully said, we need need to do this longer than most ,and be on D longer than 3 months, even if we have intervals with D we still need each other to motivate and walk together, as the last 20KG always seem to be the hardest to lose ...Some days I feel like I am wasting my time, as 5.5KG over 18 weeks is shameful... but Every time I read your blogs, and see how you go through ups and downs but return and keep going you both inspire me much..I seem to do well on "maintaining " my weight , rather than "losing" it ..and it really is not helpful to me right now, when I need to lose 20, 25 more kg ,so I SAY TO YOU WELL DONE, I TIP MY HAT TO YOU ... YOU A WINNER ALREADY, as you do not need D and the fact that you lost cruise weight in such a short time, which by the way is a just a little less than what took me to lose over 18 weeks is pretty impressive and I need to find my MOJO quickly now, as I am burning time not calories here .. KEEP GOING , you doing gr8 , cannot wait to read your next entry..
Oh Leigh Thank you for the positive words :) Leigh we are in this together you will find your mojo Hun:) & don't be to hard on yourself we all have things going on in our lives at different time which challenge us... I hope everything settles for you soon take care x wishing you a lighter scale this week gorgeous gal x ;)

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