Weigh in start of month 2!!

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Start date : may 13th 2013
Start weight:110kg
Starting weight on duromine :105kg
Starting BMI: 38.1

Today's date: 28th June 2013
Today's weight: 94.4kgs
Today's BMI: 37.3 (obese class 1)

Total weight loss: 15.6kgs
Total weight loss this week:1.9kg

Goal: to be 85kg by August 5th 2013
BMI goal : to be 29.1 by August 5th 2013

So weigh in was this morning very happy lost almost 2kg this week :)
I slept pretty good last night woke with bub a few times but managed to get straight back to sleep.

Had a workout 6am class
Cardio and abs!

Had my shake at 8am

Am just about to hit rush hour!!
I am noticing my heart beating faster today but I did notice that a bit last month :)
Got invited for drinks tonight but decided to turn the offer down luckily my friends are supportive and gave me a high five! :)

I am shopping for new fitness clothes today on eBay :) well kind of making a wish list and buy what I can when I can :)
Am also going out to town again to get my kids Christmas laybuy sorted but WILL take my shake today and an apple!

Lol so all in all I must say my experience so far on duromine has been successfull and positive! Gotta be happy with that! I also plan to stop my meds after the 3 months and lose 10kgs myself :)

Happy Friday everyone enjoy your day xo


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