Weigh-in Week 1

  • Author Karen D
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi, so it’s been a week since I weighed myself and I have not lost as much as I had hoped but it’s a loss and it feels good…..

My diet consists of:
Breakfast- Ultima 1 Shake & Cup of Tea (7 -7:30AM)
Snack- Yogurt (11AM)
Lunch: Ultima 1 Shake (1:30 -2AM)
Dinner: Boiled egg (if I could get myself to eat dinner) (6-6:30AM)
Between 1liter and 1.5liter of water a day
My total calorie intake is between 500 and 1000 per day

Pilates 3 Times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday)
I try and Walk everywhere (Like park my car further away, small stuff like that)

I don’t really have any side effects accept for the dry mouth which is not too bad; also I have been experiencing slight bad breath (gum helps with this).

Weigh in:
Starting weight: 78kg
Goal: 60kg
Week1: 74.7kg - Loss in week 1: 3.3kg
Total Loss: 3.3kg
Time to reach goal: 72days

Is this normal weight loss for one week or should I have lost more?

Any suggestions on eating? Exercising?

Have a good day
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Blog entry information

Karen D
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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