Weigh-in Week 2

  • Author Karen D
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi All

Yip it’s been a week again and I feel great….. I had my ups and downs this past week, but got back on my feet and kept pushing.

So my eating has gone great except for Saturday and Sunday:oops:…. I slipped a bit. Saturday I had 3 Latte’s and ate my chicken with its skin on…. Not too bad I know, but I had only 500ml water all day!!!! Well Sunday we went to the In-laws and boy can she cook…. So I over did it quite a bit and had a piece of her pudding …. I know I know (I could not resist) and to top it off I had no water all day. But hey I got over it and I’m back on track.

So here are my stats for the past week:

Starting Weight: 78kg
Goal: 60kg
Week 1: 74.7Kg –Loss in week 1: 3.3kg
Week2: 73.7kg –Loss on week 2: 1kg
Total Loss: 4.3kg
Time to reach goal: 64 days

So it seems my weight loss has slowed quite a bit… it is very slower than other peopleo_O but I’m fine with 1kg per week let’s hope it keep up though... (Could it because I ate that lunch Sunday)

Any advice would help me...


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Karen D
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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