Weigh in.

  • Author fatchic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day fifty seven on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Ok so I'm out of credit for the moment so the web at large shall be spared my psychotic inane ramblings :). Had weigh in today and lost another 6kgs. YAY. That's 15kgs in the past 8 weeks and 26kgs in the past year, so yea I'm pretty fat wrapped :laughing:. I have come down from 144kgs to 118kg in the last year and i am totally psyched!!! Still have lot's left to lose but hey now i KNOW i can do it. My resolve has been strengthened and i swear i will never EVER be that heavy again! I have a plan for my sons birthday party on Saturday too, no cakes or lollies for me :p i will be threading cold meats (salami, pepperoni, ham and cold roast chicken breast) onto skewers with cheese and cherry tomatoes and also doing some veg and avocado dip. Take that sugar- you can rot in hell! :):):) Things can only get better. More exercise, more more more! Next month i will lose more and one day i will reach my 70kg goal- i will. My BMI is now 48.5 down from 54.7 8 weeks ago.
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