Weight gain

  • Author J29
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi all,
Yesterday I started duromine on the 30mg, I had 3 small meals and lots of water.
According to my scales I’ve put on 1kg.. I know you’re not meant to weigh yourself everyday but I didn’t expect it to go up like that.

I’m currently 160kg and aiming to reach 99kg by July next year.
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Oh, you have a blog. Hi! Do you compose your meals of healthy foods? Are these big changes in your nutrition, or you were already eating pretty healthy? What is your height?

Best of luck and do not weigh yourself until the end of week 1. You definitely should avoid anything that can get you discouraged.

Nice and steady… let’s see what you eat and what physical activity you chose, and decide on how you can increase the weight loss rate.

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