Weightloss update

  • Author Daisyflower
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi everyone
Thought I would update you on my progress.
Thanks very much for all the PM of support. It is a really nice forum and everyone supports each other.

SW: 82.7
Week 1: 81.0
Week 2: 78.7

Total weightloss: 4kg in 2 weeks.

Tomorrow is the 3 week weigh in. I am actually very nervous as I don't think I have achieved any loss this week. I have been very bloated and constipated which hasn't helped. I usually weigh myself every couple of days but this week have been too scared.

I have eaten reasonably well. Definitely under 1000 calories a day. I haven't forced myself to eat though which perhaps I should.
My partner says I look smaller. I don't but he is just very sweet. My Mum thinks my face is skinnier.... shame about my ass.

I still have so long to go but I just see it as 4kg in 2 weeks is a pretty great start. I have slowed down on exercise this week as I've been busy (excuses...) so I need to get back into it if I want to see results.

I'd love to be 65kg by Christmas but that's possibly a huge stretch. At this point I love the thought of getting to 70kg. It's a good 8kg to go but fingers crossed!

Hope you are all having a nice day and duromine success!


Hello Daisyflower! I though we have lost you =))) And you’re back! I am so happy to see your progress and your decisiveness to go on. How did your weigh in go? Fingers crossed….

Would you like to try and up the caloric value of your daily nutrition to 1200 calories. Seems to me, you are undereating, and this might be slowing down the weight loss progress… I am just suggesting, though many people show better weight loss when their food intake is closely to 1200-1300 calories, and up to 1500-1800 in days when they have strength or long cardio trainings.

Heeeyyy… two people, who know each centimeter of you tell you that you look different, smaller… Start believing it and let it be your motivation. To let your loved ones see pleasant changes in you every day. In fact, it is very difficult for people who lose weight to realize that they actually did lose weight. Best wishes and hope your weight loss journey takes you to the weight you want to be at. =)

PS. Bloated and constipated… this is bad.. make sure you drink enough water or take some pills for bloating and constipation (discuss with pharmacist). Constipation should be avoided. Weight loss might stop
Hi Daisy,

Wow 4 kgs! I can personally vouch that the face and boobs is the first place it disappears from. And the caboose and tummy is the last (it is called irony), you know...the place we want it to go first is always the last.

What eating plan are you following, mine is all over the shot as im getting used to this.


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