Welcome to the 80's

  • Author Tamaraj
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well I did it!
Am now into the 80's by 2.1 kgs! It is such a good feeling that I think I will be wearing this smile on my face all day. I have never really put much time and effort into myself and now that I am I wonder why I didn't do it years ago. As mothers most of us put our kids first and don't worry about ourselves, and as a mother to a special needs child I certainly done that. But now I have realised I'm so much more happier now, can go walking, bike riding and do fun things with him....loving it.

I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't try wedding dresses on until I had lost 15kgs and that's only another 3 kgs away...woo hoo.....so now planning a trip with my friends into the next town (300klms) to try on some wedding dresses.

Still haven't actually told anyone that I am on duromine and what it does. Because I am eating healthy and working out at gym 4 nights a week people are thinking I'm doing it by myself. I feel like I'm cheating but I think I'm still embarrassed that I got to the weight I was and that I couldn't do it by myself. Maybe one day I'll tell them.
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