Well hello there you, I haven't seen you in ages....

  • Author jDad4509
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
No no no... I saw what you were thinking there and this is NOT that sort of post!!!!

It is the 1st of April and my goal was to lose 10kg by the end of March. Well I know I broke through that target a while ago but I nearly fell of the scales this morning when they read....

94.8 kgs :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

That is a number relating to my weight that I have not seen in quite a few years (that's what the subject meant). I am feeling so much more healthy and happy. I even jogged, of my own free will and choice, last night - that has not happened in a good 20 years. It was only 300mts but its a start.

I know my experience in using Duromine has been a lot less traumatic than many others on the forum and for that I can only thank my bodies chemical/biological make up. If you can get through the first couple of days of discomfort and everything starts to normalise - then don't give up - it WORKS!!!!

So, am I going to leave it at this - heck NO!!!! I am setting a new goal of 90kgs by the 28th of May.

Daddy will be 90kgs for your 19th birthday baby girl!!!!

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