WHAT A WEEK OF HIGHS SO FAR ..BUT ...Is it PMS, or Fat loss ...

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
What a week of highs it sure has been ,I was up a kg last week, and I was rather perplexed about it as I was doing everything "right " exercising 45 min and eating 1200 calories, but I took another look at my exercise journal, and menu tracker, and saw that I was in a rut, my routine was to routine ,if you know what I mean, so I decided to change my exercise strategy, to 30 min, but HIGHER intensity training , on the treadmill and rower machine, instead of more time and LOWER intensity..I also decided to change my menu from 3 carbs a day to 2 and add extra fruit in ,and more good fats, {avo},I also cut my red meat intake, from 2x a week to 1x and had fish for lunch ,with salad, instead of THE USUAL veg soup for lunch, or snacking ... Well, within the last two days, I have LOST the 1kg I put on, and I am down an extra 400g.. MY weekly Weigh is on Friday, actually but I COULD not resist the scale this week as I wanted to see if my "new" plan of action was working for me and not against me.
Yesterday was the start of PMS ,and usually I AM UP in kg on the scale, or my weight stands still,till I am done ..BUT to my surprise, I have been LOSING weight ... NOT sure if it is the change in food and exercise that has done it, or if it is PMS doing the opposite to me than it did before, hahahah... I also changed back from 40mg to 30mg, and find that is has been better for me, not such a fog brain, and no buzzing , but I do wake p tired now where with 40mg I woke up ready to clean everybodies house for them , hahaha, it could be that I am tired because of the extra intense work outs, that I am sleeping so deeply, and wake up feeling tired?? not sure ..but I AM NOT OUT OF STEAM, though, I STILL HAVE ENERGY just not at such a hyped degree, For me right now I feel 30mg is more than enough, as I AM eating ALL my meals and loving it , and feel it is enough calories for the exercise I am doing right now ,only hitch is, I thought it was the 4omg that made me constipated and the muesli I had been eating , once I eliminated the muesli ,I was good to go, but now this week, I find my tummy is not regular again , maybe I should be having EXTRA water ?? I have between, 1,380 ml - 2,070ml a day.. my bottles are 345ml each ,I have between 4 and 6 of those bottles a day.. would love to hear your input on this ..Will let you all know tomorrow what my final weight is for the week.. GO ....GO ....GOAL
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Thats great news, hope you keep it up. I am happy that your fighting on and you digged harder and you found out what works for you. I am doing the same thing my Low Carb diet is great, but of course some days arent that pretty but i always pick myself up and go on the next. The other day i forgott to take Duromine my little one has been waking at night he is teething, so i was so tired for 3-4 days that one day i forgott to take it, i tell you life is hard work and when you have a baby to take care of, but iam still doing good. keep going thats what i keep telling myself never give up Summer is around the corner and i really want to look good and i want to be happy with my weight. Today i am going for another walk with bubs,i hope he will get tired and sleep well at night Lol . Take care all the best!!
ye Hotfizz,can only imagine, been such a long time since mine were bubs, I AM USED to uninterrupted sleep ,but over the past five years, hubby is snoring louder and more often ,:confused: and I started getting insomnia:(..So a good nights straight sleep is far and few inbetween, but must say, since exercising ,the few hours of sleep I get ,now and again are gr8 deep ones for a change,lol ...Enjoy your walk with bub it does you both good, the fresh air , and moving your joints is always a good thing ..Speaking of summer, I got a good wake up call yesterday was pretty hot in Brissy, and reminded me very quickly that there is not place for layered clothing in HUMID HOT SUMMERS IN QLD ,so it sure is a motivator, hoping to be down by 10kg ON SPRING DAY 1st Sept ,as that is our wedding Anniversary, and 10kg less fat can only make supper time easier for sure .. keep going , and hope the teething stage will be over soon, thanks for the encouragement , have a gr8 day !!
Hi, Leigh!
I am happy to know that you are losing again. It shows that you are doing everything right and your body has to reckon with your wishes))) I know my replies are too late sometimes, but...what a busy life! haha
no worries, Kate, thankyou for ALWAYS replying ,no matter if it is late, life is busy indeed .. have gr8 weekend ..

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