What a week...

  • Author Nattynat
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi everyone,
Well, its day 12 today on Mr Duromine. wow it has been a roller coaster week for me.
This is what I experienced and felt this week.

Monday 4 March,
Side Effects: thirsty, got goosebumps on my arms, hands were jittery, felt anxious, sleepy, constipated, needed to pee all the time, was not hungry but ate three meals and had two snacks.
Exercise:Took my dog for a walk for 1 hour
Feeling: crap.. I didn't want to answer my phone or text anyone back. Was not social today.
Did I sleep well, YES

Tuesday 5 March,
Side Effects: thirsty, tired, grumpy, dizzy, headache, only right hand is jittery, felt cold, needed to pee all the time, was hungry but continued to eat healthy. Was craving nutella but did not eat it.
Exercise: went to the gym and did Body Combat class-sweated heaps!
Feeling: Exhausted
Did I sleep well, NO

Wednesday 6 March,
Side Effects: thirsty, goosebumps all over my body, emotional, headache, fatigue, constipated, needed to pee all the time, ate healthy
Exercise: Nil- couldn't' be f...
Feeling: Depressed did not want to talk to anyone, just wanted to stay in bed & sleep All day
Did I sleep well, NO

Thursday 7 March,
Side Effects: thirsty, felt cold, both hands are jittery now, not hungry, but ate as per usual
Exercise: 1 hr Body combat at the gym
Feeling: Energized, & social with gym friends
Did I sleep well, YES

Friday 8 March,
Side effects: thirsty, need to pee all the time, not hungry but still ate, took my nieces to the park and had heaps of energy.
Exercise: 1 hr HBT at the gym - exercise aimed for the thigh & bum ( Great work out sweated heapsss) My face was a tomato lol
Feeling: great
Did I sleep well, Can't answer yet because it's only 5pm, ill let you know in my next blog.

So guys, can anyone else relate to my roller coaster week? If so what strategies do you put in place to stop the side effects from getting to you personally.
would love to hear your experiences, feel free to comment


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