Why is it such a struggle?

  • Author Leefee
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hello to everyone...

I found this forum after realising that I have been taking Duromine 30mg for almost 4 weeks and have not seen the amazing results everyone else seems to be having.
It took a while for me to pluck up the courage to ask my GP for a prescription. She has been treating me for major depressive disorder and general anxiety disorder for many years. It was a concern to prescribe Duromine to me because the combination of SSRIs and appetite suppressants are apparently too nasty, thus making it an almost impossible task to enjoy the benefits of both. I was desperate though. After tipping the scales at 95kgs, I pleaded with my doctor. She agreed to give me a 2 month prescription but to monitor my side effects very carefully, especially because of my mental diagnosis.
After a few days of starting treatment, I dropped down to 90.2kgs. The only side effect I had was dry mouth and the occasional sleepness night. What happened next was truly puzzling.... after 2 weeks of being on Duromine, I noticed my weight was back up to 92kgs. I had been eating biscuits though, because everything else made me feel sick. I was getting in about 1200 calories a day, even with a daily biscuit binge. Now that the 4th week is approaching, the scale told me I am 91.1kgs. I know I was eating poorly, but surely the fact that my calories were restricted should count for something? I am also drinking on average 2-3 litres of water a day. Could my anti depressant-appetite suppressant-daily lady 'pill' all be working against each other? I am feeling so despondent. Even after the biscuits were done, I was making sure I ate 3 times a day and moving more than before. Perhaps its pms? Either way, its a lot of money and I had such high hopes that this was going to be the kickstart I needed. What am I doing wrong? It is so frustrating when you get on the scale knowing you had a good week, but you've put on 2 or so kgs. I almost feel like it isn't worth it. I am even too scared to talk to my GP because I was so desperate in the beginning to get it, and was confident it would help me. Now that its been almost a month, I feel so embarrassed and like I should have made more progress. Am I the only one out there who has been through something similar?


Hi There :)

First of all...... I'm giving you a massive virtual Big Hug right now xx

I've been where you are!!! Infact I wasn't in the 90'skg, I was 106kg at my heaviest. And I too was suffering from major severe depressive and anxiety disorders for a good part of 10 years!!!!

I'm no longer on any anti-depressant medications but that's another story (if your interested, my story is outlined in my first blog).

I understand and can relate to you feeling despondent and unfortunately those feelings are only exaggerated when one is suffering depression, but HANG IN THERE hunny xx

You say you are counting your calories so that's a great start. Well done!

Maybe you need to look at the types of foods you are eating?? I'm no dietitian or doctor but logic tells me that an apple of 72cals is going to be better for your weight loss than a biscuit that is the same amount of calories. Something to do with the GI content and type of fat and sugar each contain. The fact that you have realised and acknowledged you were eating poorly I think is the first step. Now you probably need to pick healthier food options. You say the biscuits were the only thing that didn't make you feel sick? Maybe there's something else that has the same consistency and effect but better for you? I sometimes snack on a carrot. It has the crunch factor and I keep them cool in the refrigerator.

I am also on the contraceptive pill and it doesn't have adverse effect for me. I haven't read anywhere that it effects the benefits on Duromine.

I know certain anti-depresants can hinder weight loss but Duromine is an appetite suppressant so as long as you pick the healthy options to eat, you are right, you should be losing weight.

May I suggest you write down here an example of what you ate one day? Include EVERYTHING including anything you drank that wasn't water. Myself, and I'm sure others on this forum will have a look at it and maybe make some suggestions? I know everyone is different and what works for some people doesn't always work for someone else, but this is a great forum to get some support and at least some ideas. Doesn't mean you have to follow them, but at least you have that choice.

Sending you all my love and support because I know how lonely that dark place can be xoxo
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