"without commitment ,you’ll be that person who loses weight and gains it back again."....Think about it ...got me thinking when I read this ..

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 7 min read
There is a" fundamental link between healthy weight,good health and overall quality of life "

"We might be happy with our relationships and finances but we ignoring the link between weight and long term health "

This last sentence I read gave me the light bulb "aha" moment , the words "LONG TERM ".. I have been so conditioned overtime, as I am sure most of you have with "quick fixes" a rushed life, drive throughs, and rush, rush ,rush lifestyle in all areas of our lives, that it is a given we want our weight loss to be quick and rushed as well ..But Commitment in things that matter in our life are never rushed, relationships take TIME ... FAMILY life ,takes much of ones TIME ..Getting a promotion take TIME .....ETC ETC.. making good tasty meals ,takes loads of preparation {TIME } So that we can get on with our busy lives ...and when things are not quick enough for us we want to give up straight away because we so conditioned to this way of life now , don't you agree ? I want a fit ,healthy body LONG TERM ,I do ,and I want to use these tools I have from all of you ,who have shared your stories, and experiences and struggles and winnings on this same journey as well as the articles I read, and that which I have learnt about myself so far in the past 9 weeks on D and this forum.... But I am now even more determined to beat this "weight gain "issue in my life ,as it is not just about WEIGHT LOSS ,but a lifestyle of LONG TERM COMMITMENT .... There are so many ideas, and gimmicks and every one has an opinion about the best , shake, pills, exercise, relaxation, etc etc.. and that is not a bad thing, but THIS IS A PERSONAL JOURNEY, and I think we need to ask ourselves every day , who are we doing this for ? for us or for someone else? Why are we doing it ??? For a healthier body and life ,or for compliments ,or an outfit you want to wear or, for feeling you not good enough as person as a whole, These are good things to motivate you , but surely they should not be the Real honest reason, because if they are ,we will fall short AGAIN, and fail as we did in the past ..This is a serious matter and we need to take it seriously, this is about our lives, healthy lives, to be healthy for us FIRST, THEN THE FAMILY ,and others around us in society...Otherwise we doomed ,we somehow commit to all other areas of our lives so well,we get on with it because we must, it is life and we taught that way , to work 100% in our jobs , to love 100% be it family or relationships, to be good to others best we can ..etc etc... but we never taught to love ourselves , we have always looked for approval since we were little, from others, opinions reactions, and words they use ,as we get older we are then told you must" love your self more " "Don't be so hard on yourself" "You set the bar to high on your achievements " " You set yourself up for failure "...While some of these quotes are true, well in my life anyway , lol .. The last quote is where my "light bulb moment "came to me this week , I have set myself up for failure time and time again, when it comes to my weight "managment" , I have decided not to call it a weight loss in my head anymore, but a life long plan day to day of weight management, and ever weeks "loss" is me :managing " my lifestyle of good health ..We are taught once again , over the past decades, eating "healthy " is not a term used often , "DIET", weight "LOSS","DROP a dress size" "lose 5 pounds in 7 days } all these words are shouting out to you , the WRONG messages..Firstly the word DIET... so no matter how fit and healthy you were as a child and the good real healthy ,non toxic ,msg, no processed food ,given to you as a child and to your mother and grandmother is and was not good enough for THIS DAY AND AGE, called "eating " back then .. has been replaced with "diet "Secondly "Weight loss " ...So focussed on the loss ,the fat , the amount , even certain figures are given to confuse you even more, BMI, age, culture etc, while these all play a role , they not the be all and all of a healthy eating normal lifestyle long term ..we are inundated with information even more so in this day and age, that we only land up being more confuse and even more stressed about where to start and how to start, something we supposed to be doing NATURALLY !!! EATING IS A NATURAL THING , not a pastime, or fun time, or sport time, or drinking festivity time ,Do you know the old saying " I EAT to live " NOT "I live to EAT "... WELL WE HAVE IT BACK TO FRONT INDEED ... Thirdly The" dress size"Now we have even more pressure put on us ,while trying to do the impossible already, we have this fabric looking at us and reminding us THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO LOOK LIKE, we are programed to be, and look a certain way, and then judged according to that "dress"not our mental and physical hard work we endured while losing the weight, but by a dress, or pants, or shoes etc, I am not saying it is wrong ,we all need a goal that motivates us sure , but these gimmicks cause confusion and take you off the real deal here, YOU, your HEALTH, YOUR commitment to YOURSELF AS A WHOLE PERSON not just your fat , but your mind, and your emotions ..Which brings me to the fourth and final point, "lose 5 pounds in 7 days"well if that is not setting you up for being committed to yo yo dieting, or muscle loss instead of fat loss, or organ failure ,never mind the mental state of your mind and your emotions, of being LIMITED to a count down when YOU HAVE to at 5 pounds by the 7th day or you doomed to be a failure, it is never the diet plan that fails you it is YOU that fails you ..What a wicked ,deceiving circle we go through time and time again.. And the advertisers love us for it ..The keep raking in the money ,we keep playing the game, "catch the carrot catch the carrot ".."awww you so close now ,keep trying " There is always a small % of success with these fads, and that is why it continues, but for those of us on this forum, who are here with some health issues like Thyroid, or blood pressure,or other organ issues, due to not living a "normal "healthy life causing our weight gain, or because of ailments that cause weight gain from hormone imbalance etc, we cannot look at these "quick fixes" any longer,and this is why I love D, and this forum, now it can sound like a contradiction, as D is "GIMMICK" but there is a difference, D is a tool only a tool and they state that very well, like all shakes, and supplements state, without exercise and a healthy "eating plan " changed a few decades ago from "DIET " to fit in with being more "natural " this is true, but it is so much more than those real gimmicks out there, D deals with YOU on such a personal level.. because it is dealing with your mental capacity all day .... For most of us on it WE HAVE SIDE EFFECT, some might not like them, {I sure do not appreciate the lack of sleep }lol BUT I love The Dry Mouth, the fact that I "feel" I am in control of not wanting to eat ALL DAY. or CRAVE, is a good thing it is a start to work WITH my headspace, most "diets" do not work with you headspace, they tell you you FAIL because your headspace is not right ..that is a given.. BUT WITH D you are helped chemically yes, to adjust your headspace to use it like a muscle, so YOU CAN BE IN CONTROL OF YOUR BODY AND MIND on a daily bases for the rest of your life ,IT HAS BEEN A CRAZY ROLLERCOASTER HARD, FUN, HIGHS AND LOWS of 9 weeks for me, but being here in this group , for the first time in my life on any program , writing down my thoughts in black and white, sharing my failures, and my mini achievements with you all and causing me to be BRUTALLY HONEST with myself, being challenged to the max mentally for the first tim, taking control of my "bad habit THOUGHT PROCESS pattern "not my BAD EATING HABITS, only and half exercise regime ,has and is helping me to overcome myself ,me who sabotages every "diet " gimmick, "fad " I have been on has not done what D has, the side effects, keep you focussed on the goal at hand, because the WHOLE DAY with your fog brain, dry mouth energy but dying to close your eyes , full tummy satisfied thought pattern, is what you fighting against mentally as now your BODY is feeling these things NOT your mind, like in all other diets, you constantly thinking about FOOD , DRINKS ,WHAT TO CHEAT ON WHEN YOU STOP THE DIET, OR REACH GOAL WEIGHT ,etc etc.. RIDICULOUS THOUGHTS RIGHT ?? but they true ,and we do , total sabotage, because your brain is tricked into thinking it is loosing out ,or your body is "telling " you losing our o nthe yummy bad foods ...Crazy stuff this people , crazy .. it makes us crazy and doomed to fail ... D is the most important tool on this weight managment journey for us, as it helps us to cope afterwards normally , because we have our mind set in place now to continue doing hat we dong by ourselves, as we know people can physically see what we feel or waht we eat, but they cannot know or see what we think ,and that is our tool that can not be sabotaged or taken from us by other gimmicks unless we allow it too, agai nwe are the ENEMY we sagbotage OURSELVES, but once we work the "muscle "and keep it strong , just like exercise, we make our bodies strong to fight disease and even mental health, feeling of wel lbeing they call it , right ? well our mind is the same, once it is healthy and balanced we only want to be healthy and balanced, and the food choices and exercise will fall into place... OUR MINDSET NEEDS TO CHANGE IN ORDER FOR US TO MAINTAIN THIS LIFESTYLE of maintance .. WE CAN OVERCOME, WE HERE ARE WE NOT ,WE WANT THE CHANGE..sorry for the long essay, just had to share my LIGHT BULB MOMENT WITH YOU ALL ....have a good week EVERYONE ...
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My bulb is glowing lol;) just gotta follow your road even when we dont know wich way to go and when we are stuck for a while
Gotta keep going, if you want long term weight loss quick fixes are there to fix things quick its like a bandage that covers things and its all good for a while until you take it off and your still in pain and the cut is deep. Gotta do it right from the start, nothing happens overnight but over time months sometimes years. Anyways why would you wanner lose weight fast then in few months your back where you started and then again you gotta go through things you already done and know. Just do it and get it under control for the rest of your life . That should be the end no repeats no more Mondays or but this or that. You move you lose you sit you dig and your dig into food and a big hole thats ugly dark and unplasant. Life is not simple but you are in control of your body & mind , live a life of happiness. This is for all of us, have a minute and think about it. Have a nice weekend , Keep going.... Going and going.
Thanks HotFizz, will do ... ;) you have a gr8 weekend too ..

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