WK2 Day 6

  • Author RaspberryJade
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Weigh in day 2moro!
This week i have taken 2 15mg duromine pills I havnt felt like Ive had more energy and cravings are still there.. on the other hand ive had no problems with it either no dry mouth, no lack of sleep and heart is still beating normal. Im thinking maybe Im just wired differently and duromine has no effect for me...
The first 4days on 15mg had the reverse effect I was crazy tired felt like all energy had been sucked out of my body and i was more hungry then i normaly am thats why i stopped at 4days and come good almost straight away..
Next week im NOT going to take duromine see what happens, ill see if weight loss is effected.. Im trying to lose 2kg a week.
...also next week i am going to take a very deep breath and go get that ultra sound! time i get this pcos crap sorted.


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