wk2 day2

  • Author RaspberryJade
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
This morning had my grandmas birthday bbq breakfast it went very well i had 2 eggs, bubble & squeak, tomatos, mushrooms and my fake bacon my plate was just as full as everyone else there was a few hash browns n things left over (there is always food left over) i was SO tempted to go back for more BUT my will power won and that means so did my hips lol.

2 Duromine 15mg still going well no dry mouth or anything :).

So watching TV tonight and every 2nd friggin add is about food!!! Im at my weakest at night and these adds make me want to get in the car n go get bad food that i will regret eating ahh so tonight when i could have gone n got chocolate i went to the fridge n had some strawberries, it was yummy and totally satisfying! if i wanted i could also put a lil slender (fake sugar) on them.

I meet somone in the bank with PCOS today she is 25yo and was telling me how its hard to lose weight but even harder with PCOS the way she was taking it sounds like she has given up and i couldnt help but notice a kit kat wrapper in her bag.... just when i start feeling ok with possible PCOS i meet her and im scared again ehh

2moro I work at 0930 so i would like to get some tredmil time in before i go if i dont i just wont have any other time to get it done.


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