
  • Author fatchic
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  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
Day fourteen on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Today was.. difficult. I woke up at 7am had one slice of toast with cheese and vegemite for breakfast and then went to playgroup. I had made the decision i was going to be all hyped up and energetic and run around with my son and then they went and put out play doh and a toy kitchen and food and cardboard boomerangs to decorate with glitter and feathers and pens on the craft table soooo he didn't want to run around did he :rolleyes:. Instead we played master chef and then made the most mental pink play doh cakes and sunset coloured boomerangs :) it was fun but a bit of an anti climax as i sat down the whole time.. Precisely like i normally do.
After playgroup we went shopping, after the lil crapper tried to flog off some sour sobs for $10 a pop at the bus stop.. The lil old lady who sat down next to us had no idea what she was getting into ;).
Loaded him into a broom broom trolley and got to it, had some birthday shopping to do for my nieces whose birthdays are coming up- right before my sons. Busy time of year this. At lunch time we went to the food court and i got a medium warm lamb salad, didn't realise that it had rice in it so was slightly miffed as i was eating salad to AVOID the carbs.. It was relatively nice, though i mean, who eats cold rice? blergh :confused:.
Only ate half my salad. I stopped to think about whether i was hungry, realised i wasn't and stopped. Witwoo. Did more shopping and by three i was hungry again so i devoured the rest of the salad and drank a small light iced coffee. On the bus ride home i ate 2 jelly beans and then at 4pm when i got home and started making lunch for kindy tomorrow i ate a pikelet.. really it was the castoffs of two of the pikelets i cut out with cookie cutters but it was basically one so yea. Drank 1.6 litres of water today.
Then i realised i hadn't taken my pill, counted them just to be sure and yup I'm a total knob jockey. Not impressed with myself AT ALL. I know everyone says not to take the pill in the evening because it will keep you up but as they aren't effecting my sleep at all and even if they do i am going to the midnight open of the big w toy sale tonight so it shouldn't hurt.
For dinner the boys had meat pies with cheese and i had a single serve of moussaka. It was so effing yummy. Not been able to eat anything like that since before my gall bladder was removed as the sat fat levels are particularly high. Not so happy that i ate the lot so quickly it was like i was inhaling it and then when i finished i contemplated snacking on the tin packaging just to see if the taste had permeated it. On the plus side i restrained myself o_O.
So all in all i have eaten HEAPS today, i mean not compared to my pre duramine diet but well for what i've been eating lately it was a horribly large amount. Coupled with a horribly small amount of physical exertion. Obviously beating myself up over it will achieve nothing so i can only promise myself i will try harder and tomorrow i will ensure that i do the dancing and moderate my food intake.
Too much information alert-
Ok so side effects yea, yesterday Aunty flow came to visit and suddenly i realised why i have been seeing red :eek: the mood swings are less a result of the duramine and all related to my PMS. I usually suffer from ridiculously bad cramps.. Have from the age of nine. My mum was always saying that if you exercise it can help and all i heard was blah blah blah exercise bah blah blah.. I did try walking etc a couple of times after i already started and as it did nothing except make a mess i pretty much basically figured that that theory could go suck a f#ck. This has been the first time ever that i was unaware of it approaching and have suffered from no stomach pains at all. I have had some back pain, lower and upper. Assumed it was from the dancing aka wild flailing movement that i do whilst attempting to get in sync. Still think the upper back / shoulder pain is but i understand the lower pain now. Also i have gotten terribly nauseas every month coinciding with my cycle after the birth of my son and that too has seemingly ceased with the exercise.. Or the duramine.. Or both.
I have had issues with my bladder in the last few days too. I need to pee but then i can't and end up sitting on the loo for 20 minutes before a few drops trickle out. It is annoying as frick.. Personal time on the toilet is very limited with a child anyway so taking 20 minutes to pee is just not bloomin cool. Not really painful but uncomfortable at times as the muscles feel full or distended or something.
Not sure if it's related to the pill or anything but i have had a split on either side of my mouth for near on the last week. They keep, well, not scabbing over really but getting hard and trying to heal i imagine and then i talk or try to eat and they split open again. Makes it painful to open my mouth at all :mad:.
Any how that's my long winded, overly descriptive, about as logical or sane as the ramblings of a geriatric grandpa Simpsons take on the day :) Awesome, i know.


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