Yippie Weigh in day back on track start week 13 on Duromine 15 mg total weight lost to date is 15.9kg

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Another mini goal met to be under 95kg woo hoo loss of 1kg this week another bag of sugar gone gone gone :p Next mini goal to be under 90kg & be in the magic 80kgs again will be a dream come true ;)
I have struggled with the exercise this week only walked 3 times:eek: .. I will try and increase my walking to 4 days this week .
Wishing everyone a fantastic week & a lighter scale :):):):)
Start weight 110.3kg
Current weight 94.4kg
Goal weight 70kg
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Well done shellyisme.
Feels good doesn't it?
I'm loving the walking at the moment. Never used to enjoy exercise, but now it is a part of my goals and I am achieving them, it feels wonderful. I'm even waking up an hour earlier to walk and I am not a morning person.
So many changes. Maybe I am a morning person now???
Well done Shelly !!!! way to go girl !!!
Some exercise is always better than none, ALWAYS..

I agree with you Smick, morning exercise is becoming a gr8 new routine in my life too..and I am loving the endorphins kick every morning now too, gets me going for the rest of the day.. I am always disappointed on the days I do not exercise or do a full workouts.. I have been working hard at making that extra mental effort to commit to the exercise EVERYDAY ...
Sharon, I have a tip for you , something I have been doing this week to help me stay focused on my plan and goals ...I get dressed into my exercise clothes first thing when I WAKE UP.. that way, some how, it mentally triggers my brain, that I have a "job "to do ,we dress into our work clothes every day, or weekend clothes and it always subconsciously sets our mood for the day ,right ?? so our sport /workout clothes should and do ,do the same thing ....I have also had to train my mind and eyes, to not get distracted at other things first thing in the morning and to go straight to the "gym area "in my house and get on with it. I am so ADD when it comes to this, I WILL USUALLY come down stairs, sort out hubby's lunch for work, drop him off at the train station, come back home, put in a load of washing, go clean all the rooms, vacuum, last nights evidence of dinner crumbs on the carpet in the tv room , clean the kitchen ,log into the Duromine forum, do a blog entry {like I am doing now } ,KEEP GLANCING AT THE TREADMILL, and the Rower, then glance at the clock on the wall,knowing it is getting later and later and I need to get my work out done ...and before I know it , my son is awake, wants brekkie, and I land up doing my workout between, 3pm or 8pm, or not at all because I am wasted from using up al lmy physical energy on the other things first ...So now my new mojo is make hubby's lunch at night , clean the kitchen completely at night vacuum the "breadcrumbs "with the hand held hoover just before going to bed...Wake ,get workout clothes on, with sneakers on ....Get hubby to station .. come home, have a pre veg juice snack ,get on the treadmill. do what needs to be done... go shower ...Then get on with the rest of days jobs, and life seems manageable ... This does not always work out this way, so then I wait till all have gone to bed and exercise at night in the quiet room and can totally relax and concentrate, even though I am dog tired from a busy day ,somehow, being alone in the quiet gives me strength to do a work out, maybe not as hard and as long as it would be if it was in the morning but it still gets done.No matter what ..I need to tick the exercise box off for the day, on my "to do list" ...So far so good... Please share what you all do to motivate you .. would love to hear and try new ideas ...
Leigh, I have a check list. First thing on it is exercise. Every day. I wake up at 5:45 and am on the treadmill for an hour while I catch up with the news. Then the rest of my day starts at 7. It gives me time to do my exercise in pace before the rest of the house is up and needs me.
On weekends I wake a little later but still try to do the exercise first up. If not I am in my gym gear the whole day.
Me too Leigh & Sharon I get up let the dog out get my water & straight on the treadmill ... I find doing my exercise first thing sets me up for a great day... Some days I really struggle to do it.. However once I'm on the treadmill I feel great & the time goes fast I listen to the radio and look out at the escarpment mountains, the pool & garden I find the view comforts me;) this is my time to think & clear things in my mind :)
excellent ladies , now that you have both shared this info with me, I will think of you both at the crack of dawn ,and while I am struggling to get my mojo on, I will climb on the treadmill knowing you ladies are busy doing the very same thing at the very same time, lol .. that motivates me somehow, hahaa.. have a super week ..
Wow, ladies! Good job, seems like you have zero excuses no matter what day or what the weather is today. I admire your persistence! It is something I should learn from you. Thanks!

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