You are all amazing

  • Author Stargazer
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 5 min read
I just want to say how proud I am to share a forum with some women who not only care about their health and well-being, but are actively trying to improve it, while supporting other women in their health goals too.

These women are overweight or obese and therefore at increased risk of ill health in the long term. They don’t take Duromine as a miracle drug; they do their research, they do the hard work planning and implementing a healthier diet and lifestyle not just to look and feel better in themselves, but to decrease their risk of illness. Otherwise why would they bother choosing healthier foods when they could eat the same amount of calories consuming foods with no nutritional value or high in certain nutrients that are detrimental to overall health? They care about their wellbeing, they’re not just conforming to societal pressure to be thin.

Those women who made the choice to take Duromine by weighing the pros and cons; the side effects versus their health in the long run if they don’t lose weight because they’re overweight or obese and change their entire lifestyle to be happy and healthy are strong, empowered, admirable women- they do not do it for pure and unadulterated vanity.

I love reading your stories, your journey, your insights on healthy living but I mourn for those that take Duromine thinking it’s a miracle pill to lose 5 or 10kg even though they’re in a healthy weight class- risking not only nasty side effects that can be life threatening, likely to suffer malnutrition because they’re cutting their calories below 800 and therefore unlikely to be getting all the nutrients they need to be a healthy, for what? A better bikini body? At what cost? Their health. And probably their mental well being.

To be so desperate to be thin with complete disregard to your your physical health for sheer unadulterated vanity... that’s bordering on mental illness. Cutting calories and taking anti obesity drugs is just the start of a life long battle between the thin body you want to see in the mirror and always trying to get their and maintain it in your mind. It’s already a symptom of low self esteem; cutting calories and taking drugs is just the start of an eating disorder and life long battle with low self esteem.

Now, the last thing they need to feel is more shame so that is not my intention with this blog post. It is merely a warning. A suggestion to take a look in the mirror and start loving the person you are now. Not the person who was 10kg lighter five years ago. If you’re in a healthy BMI range with no illnesses related to weight gain then you should consider yourself blessed and fortunate. I beg you to re-evaluate your life choices that could be leading you down a dark path. As women we are constantly judged on our bodies, but that doesn’t make it right. Take a stand. Own your body. Love it. It’s the only one you have and hating it so much you want to starve it of nutrients and deprive yourself of health will only hurt you in the long run. Even if it just means you’ll just have bad skin, nails and hair and be a drag at every party because you won’t eat anything with carbs in after 5pm.

As human beings we need to support each other, but only for the right reasons. You don’t support your friend to jump off a cliff, abet their drug or alcohol addiction, or encourage them to gamble away their life savings, do you? You’d be a monster. And staying silent while someone risks their good health and life? I'm sorry, but if anything happens to that person because you stayed silent then you're equally to blame for their stupid decision that got them there in the first place. That is why I cannot support someone who is healthy (not affected by any illness related to weight gain) abusing a prescription medication for sheer vanity, and I will advocate in the name of sanity that they stop doing it whether they want to hear that or not. It may be harsh, but maybe that’s what they need to open their eyes and see the truth staring back at them in the mirror- that they are perfect just the way they are and so many people in this world would love to be at their weight.

Make no mistake, I have no problem with someone trying to lose weight who is healthy (assuming they'd still be healthy at their goal weight), but abusing a prescription medication for sheer vanity without even attempting to lose weight and increase energy naturally, at the potential detriment of your own health, is not what the medications was intended for and a sign you may suffer or will soon suffer from an eating disorder.

Furthermore, to abuse a prescription medication in order to avoid becoming overweight in the first place instead of putting in the hard work to change your diet and behaviour to control your weight naturally is lazy and you do not deserve to ridicule anyone else simply because they weigh more than you.. I lost over 40kg with hard work in the form of diet and exercise before taking Duromine, so this is not a hypocritical statement coming from me.

Obtaining Duromine without a prescription or consultation with a health practitioner is likewise a very risky situation I do not personally support. You are playing Russian roulette with not just your body but potentially your life. Perhaps you don’t care but I care, and I’m sure there are friends and family in your life that care too and if they’re not supportive of you and they’re the ones that make you feel like you need to take a chance with your health and life in order to be a worthy individual in their and society’s eyes, then you need to ditch them. It’s cold but it’s true.

You all deserve better and I point to the strong, empowered women on this forum who strive not just to look and feel good but to become healthier individuals in the long run who take care of their health and don’t take any unnecessary risks as excellent examples of the people you should associate with and learn from.

That’s just my two cents. If you don’t like it then write your own blog post with your own opinion or stop reading mine— I didn’t force you to read my opinion and I'm entitled to have it and express it however I want with respect to the law and forum rules.

Love to all and best of luck x
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