you're so heavy baby...

  • Author samat
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
i am at my heaviest starting weight ever... 117kg

i last felt this heavy when i gave birth to my 5.048kg baby boy... 20.5yrs ago. this however is the heaviest i have ever been... even heavier than at my heaviest pregnancy weight. i am so despondent and only the idea of duromine excited me somewhat. i'm in my second week now and for the first time in ages i have seen a downward movement on the scale... but i feel so heavy though... my bra's feel like they're cutting into my skin (and they're elastic sports bra's by the way) my pants feel like its cutting in my waist and i cannot stand the sight of myself in the mirror. my doctor prescribed 15mg and i've been taking 1 for the first week and then doubling up since week 2. i feel full but heavy full like fat heavy full... not appetite suppressant is helping me feel full - if you get my meaning.

i want to get on the scale but also too afraid to becasue what if it reflects what i am feeling :(

is anyone out there who has any similar feelings?

oh i've used duromine before and it worked like a dream... but my starting weight was less then.
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Hi Samat! First of all, you've done a HUGE job, when you decided to START making changes. I completely understand you, because I also was overweight a couple of years ago and believe me, I know what you feel when ALL of your clothes become tight and you just don't like the way you look in the mirror.

Duromine is a great helper. Indeed, you need some time to get used to it. But sooner or later, when you start seeing the first results, it will motivate you so much! :sun:

Accept the point where you are now. We are as we are. And it's not bad. Your body still allows you to walk, to think, to exist! It deserves your appreciation. The shape of it CAN BE CHANGED. And you'll manage to do it. And Duromine will help you.

There are plenty of threads on the forum, where you can get tips & tricks, support, and success stories for motivation. Believe in yourself and give it time. You'll get there.
Rosa Lee
Hey Samat,

Some of my customers also feel the same at the very beginning of the Duromine treatment.
Don't worry, it should pass with time. Good luck on your weight loss journey!
Rosa Lee said:
Hey Samat,

Some of my customers also feel the same at the very beginning of the Duromine treatment.
Don't worry, it should pass with time. Good luck on your weight loss journey!
Hi Rosa,
Trying to get hold of you…? Thanks Laura
Hi Samat,

OMG I know that feeling! I'm at a point myself where bending over to tie up my shoes causes me discomfort :-(
The scales can be your best friend or worst enemy when you're on a weight loss journey. It can be motivating when you see the numbers going down but if they stay the same it can be upsetting. It's important to be kind and show some self care and patience.

I really like the sentiments that @April mentioned. We take for granted how much our bodies do for us all the time.
You're doing an amazing thing for yourself and family by taking control of your weight and health!

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