
  • Author Zandile
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hai guys i am d new kid on d blog jst got my Duro 2day an will start 2moro,plz advice what time is more suitable for taking the pill?


Oooops! Sorry I am answering so late… I would suggest taking it at 4-6 in the morning and see how it works for you. At least, do your best not to take it after 8 in the morning. Insomnia is a real risk… best of luck and please keep us posted!
No problem thank you, I took it at 5 AM an i went jogging 5km ,no side effects as yet an i dnt hav appetite bt drinking a lot of water an some green tea ,how much shud i excercise in oder to loose a lot of weight? Do i have to excercise twice a day?do i have to keep taking at d same time for d entire 3 months ?

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