Zumba rush

  • Author fatchic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day forty four on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Had lots of water to try and hydrate myself this morning. Had some spicey pepperoni for breaky (2 slices) went to the library and borrowed 4 cardio workout dvds. No idea why the idea didn't occur to me earlier. Had a late lunch at around 2pm, a few slabs of the pepperoni some cubed cheese all dipped into a skinny hommus dip :) yum. Did hour zumba workout after lunch, the game has a create your own playlist workout feature so the songs blend almost seamlessly and you don't have to wait inbetween. I am not as big a fan of the spanish hand movey clappalot type dances so I mostly added the hiphop dances to my workout with a couple of fillers. I learnt low intensity for the last song after mostly high intensity SUCKS BALLS I wanted to pull my hair and scream it was so slooooow and blah.. Would have been ok if I started with it maybe. I know I am moving alot more with the zumba but it says I am burning less so maybe it is just more accurate than the dancing games. I had planned on soup for tea (low carb mushroom) but am not hungry after late lunch so having a litre of water instead. 3 litres water today. Bring on tomorrow :)


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