Duromine & Metformin?



Standard Member
Feb 6, 2015
hello! I have just re started taking Duromine 30mg, in desperate need to loose some weight!
I am also on Metformin for PCOS, just wondering if anyone else is taking both medication and if you found any different side effects etc?
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Hiya. I'm also on metformin for polycystic ovarian syndrome, and 3rd month of duromine with no adverse effects. ☺
Hey I'm starting off with duromine and I have pcos, are you girls loosing weight taking both of them?

I have duromine 40s and metformin.
I weigh 105 my goal is to get to 80
What is the dosage Metformin you take. My doc also said I should take a small dose...may be pre-diabetic but he doesn't know I am using Duromine so I am a bit scared. Hoping losing weight will clear it up.
Hi all! After a few weeks of fussing around at the doctors i've finally been prescribed duromine (15mg prescription)! I'll be taking this in conjunction with metformin, as my blood tests revealed that i have quite low insulin and that may have been why i haven't been able to lose as much weight as i have liked to in the past. Just wondering if anyone else is taking this combo? And if so what is it like? as i've read that the metformin can decrease appetite in itself so i'm curious as to how they go together!

Anywho i guess ill delve into my background, story etc!

So for as long as i can remember i've always been quite chubby and big. Even as a toddler i was always super chunky and as i grew up i never shifted the weight or lost that "baby fat" that usually comes along with puberty. Throughout pre-school and primary school, and some of high school i was bullied a lot for my weight. I got called a whale, a hippo and many other nasty things throughout my schooling and even personal home life. It wasn't until i hit about 16/17 that i started really being bothered about my weight. I dieted and exercised, went through calorie restricting and everything else possible and didn't really see any results. It was so un-motivating and i just wanted to give up.

I've always carried my weight quite well and i think thats why i've not had a major problem with it personally for so long. But recently it has been getting me down so much and i felt so stuck. I went to my doctor about something that wasn't weight related at all, but he did bring up that if i was ever unhappy with my weight that i could come back and see him to discuss my options. I followed up with an appointment and had some blood tests done, and then today went back to get prescribed the 15mg of duromine and 500mg of metformin. He advised i take the duromine once daily for two weeks and then increase to twice daily for 1 week, then come back and get a prescription for a higher dose. He said he would start me off with the lowest because of my history with mental illness and he didn't want it to make me anymore loopy lol! I will be picking up my script first thing tomorrow morning! I feel super excited and motivated and i'm ready to lose this dang weight and be the best me i can be!

I will keep you all updated when i can with side effects and goals etc!

I was also curious as to what diets i should be looking at following? Is there anything in particular? My GP just said to cut sugar out and wasn't very specific lol. He offered a referral for a dietitian but unfortunately i cannot afford one at this point in time.

Age: 18
CW: 118kg
GW: 85kg - 90kg
Height: 176cm
First day of taking duromine :) woke up at 8:30am and took it with my breakfast. Had 2 pieces of wholegrain toast with some light butter and a bit of vegemite. Followed by 1L of water. Then around 12pm i did 17 minutes of HIIT :) I feel pretty good! A bit emotional but thats not unusual for me. I hope this will all pay off in the end !!
Hey angelsophina, good luck on your weightloss journey! I'm not a dietician but I'll give you some advice that has helped me. Basically you have to go back to basics and eat veggies, fruit, lean meat and healthy fats. Avoid bread, potatoes, rice-switch to brown rice, pasta and of course sugary snacks. It is not realistic to miss out on all that stuff forever so when you do have it, just have a smaller serving, and fill up on the good stuff. I love Vegemite on toast, don't get me wrong but while you are trying to lose weight, I wouldn't eat much bread. I might have 2 pieces a week on different days with avocado and heaps of pepper as I have stopped adding salt too, which takes a bit to get used to if you love salt like me! Also with anything dairy, avoid low fat versions as they are full of crap. I hope this helps you and as I said, I am no expert but have been down this weightloss path before and have succeeded, but now I'm back doing it again due to a number of reasons. All the best and keep updating with your progress :)
Hello there Angelsophina! Welcome to the forum! Congratulations on a good start! Basic advice is to include all substances you need everyday, like proteins, carbs, fats and fiber, and get them from healthy sources. Melonhelen did give some good advice: small servings with healthy foods. Make sure you don’t eat less than you should, i.e. about 1200 cal, or you can use an online calculator to find out how many calories exactly you should have a day. Yet, never forget to recalculate the numbers as you are losing weight.

HIIT trainings – great! I would also suggest you add plan exercises in the morning and in the evening. These take very little time and provide a HUGE pile of benefits. Water intake is very important for weight loss both when you take Duromine and when you don’t. So don’t forget about drinking water. Will be happy to follow your progress. All the best!
Hi everyone :)
Starting my Duromine for the first time tomorrow morning. Any diabetics on here that taking Duromine how did you go while being on metformin?
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Sunline said:
Hi everyone :)
Starting my Duromine for the first time tomorrow morning. Any diabetics on here that taking Duromine how did you go while being on metformin?
Hi there, I’m taking both duromine and metformin. I have had no issues with the duel medication. If you are concerned please speak to your GP or pharmacist! :blush:
Milenna said:
Hi there, I’m taking both duromine and metformin. I have had no issues with the duel medication. If you are concerned please speak to your GP or pharmacist! :blush:
GP was the one that put me on it just wondering people personal experiences have been
Sunline said:
@Milenna What your weight loss experience been like?
I have been taking both duro and met since July, I have lost 11kg to date. I was 100kg when I started, I am now 88.6kg.
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Milenna said:
I have been taking both duro and met since July, I have lost 11kg to date. I was 100kg when I started, I am now 88.6kg.
Wow, keep up the good work!
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Sunline said:
Wow, keep up the good work!
thanxs, pretty proud! I also have PCOS and had been trying to lose weight for over 12 mth with no loss at all! Soooo even though I feel I’m having a very slow loss, A loss is better than none! :)
Milenna said:
thanxs, pretty proud! I also have PCOS and had been trying to lose weight for over 12 mth with no loss at all! Soooo even though I feel I’m having a very slow loss, A loss is better than none! :)
I have pcos as well
Milenna said:
thanxs, pretty proud! I also have PCOS and had been trying to lose weight for over 12 mth with no loss at all! Soooo even though I feel I’m having a very slow loss, A loss is better than none! :)
I’m trying to lose weight before my next ivf stims cycle