Well I am now considered to be in healthy weight range (so probably not worth the risk for a GP) despite having a belly and being very active, so what would you recommend; other than my PT, eating healthy and playing sport 4 times a week...?[/QUOTE
Ok...I don't know if your question for me is based on sarcasm. But I will still answer honestly, from what information you have provided.
Firstly, I'm sorry you must have the wrong idea of what duromine does. It's not a magic pill that eliminates belly fat. You sound like you are doing all the right things ...???good diet, you excerise and you are in the healthy weight range.
Duromine suppresses appetite and I wish it had other powers, but it doesn't. Everything else the person positively gains from the medication is then from things like will power and excerise.
So if, like you stated, you already have a healthy lifestyle then who has told you duromine will help your belly fat?
It would be unhealthy for you to be on duromine. Because you would have to take your healthy lifestyle into an extreme one.
Did you know that sometimes a person can lose weight all over their body and become under the healthy weight range, but still have a belly? There are certain excerises to help the "belly", depending on why you have the belly fat to begin with. Different problems need different strategies eg. post partum belly fat would need a different work out and diet change, then to a person who has a belly from excessive weight loss. Even with excerise some problems can't be resolved. It depends on your genetics and skin elasticity.
I'm a nutrionist and genetic councillor NOT a doctor so I can't tell you what to medically do. Even with my background knowledge I can't specifically help you, over the Internet. I would recommend you see a professional that can go through everything face to face.
Please everyone duromine is a prescription medication for a reason. To get the medication you have to fit the requirements and tick all the boxes. Yes there are certain doctors that won't prescribe it, even if you do meet the guidelines. That's when you can take your HONEST story to another doctor who is willing to help you. HELP YOU not comprise your health.
This is just me and my opinion.