100 days!

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well it has been 100 days since I started taking Duromine.
I have lost 20 kilos in that time . Weighed in at 96.9 this morning.
I am so thrilled and pleased that I am finally having success.
I have never been able to stick to something for this long and have never had such results.
Part of it is that I was 'ready' but the biggest thing is that it has been coupled with this amazing tool that has helped me keep focused on my goals.
I still have a long way to go, but I can really see myself achieving my goals.
A friend said I should try walking around with two 10 kg dumbbells and see how that feels, because that was the amount of extra weight I had to carry around all of the time. That's probably why I felt tired all of that time.
It is ironic really. When I was larger I was tired and did not want to move much at all, which just made me fatter and fatter. It was the time I really needed to be moving to get the weight off. Now that I am 20 kilos lighter, I have all of this energy and could not contemplate sitting on the couch all day. The TV barely goes on and I am motivated.
I am looking forward to summer with enthusiasm. I will be able to get out and enjoy the longer days (one more week till daylight savings, yippee), be active and embrace life.
The rest of my life has benefited as well. My house has not looked this clean in ages and my family has a much more energetic and happier me.
So with 20 kilos gone and about another 30 to go, life is looking great.
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20 kg OF Dead weight ... it did nothing but hold you back.. not just within your body, and mind, but in your life in general , a simple thing like cleaning a house, or going for a walk in the park, or even just grocery shopping becomes a hard task ... Oh how quickly we forget hey .. Love the idea of carrying dumbbells on you to be reminded of the load you carried, we need to remind ourselves daily, because we so busy aiming for the finish we sometimes forget to stop and "smell the roses"{achievements } we have made along the way...YOU ARE DOING SO VERY WELL!!!! HUGE ACHIEVEMENTS you have chipped away at, WELL DONE TO YOU !!!....have a super weekend and week ahead, and I am sure by next friday you will be 96 and under !!!.. you ahead of me for a change this week Smick hee hee good on you !!!! ...

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