1st crazy day on duromine

  • Author Kristy1501
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So i had my first duromine capsule today at 6am. I weighed myself right before and i was 87.4kg. I ate a mxdonalds muffin and hotcakes for brekky because i was starving!! (Bad i know) Nothing happened for the first 2 hours and then at about 8am i felt refreshed and had a sort of nervous/excited feeling in my belly and chest(like how i feel on Christmas morning as a kid). I was really energised and got some things done around the house that i usually dont have the energy to want to do. Then at around lunch time i had abit of a dry throat and felt i had to keep swallowing to stop it from feeling dry. All these effects felt like they wore off by about 4pm when i felt really tired. Then at 6:30 hubby got dinner and i couldnt bare looking at it, i felt really spewy and nauseous and really hot. I had a shower and drank about half a litre of water and now i feel abit better. I then weighed myself just for fun and was 85.3kg!!!! What the hell, thats 2kgs lighter than this morning (i weigh myself naked to be more accurate). Surely the duromine wouldn't have made me lose that much weight that quickly!!! Feeling abit confused lol


Its normal for your body to fluctuate almost up to 2kgs every day!!!!
Thanks for your response. Weighed myself this morning(my 2nd day on duromine) and im now 84.5kgs
Duro does help release excess fluid from your body.. That's usually the first thing that happens with any new weight loss routine and why week one is usually the biggest loss

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